Chuck is a good Man. Unfortunately China was too much to compete with. I still have my original pile jacket from around 1980. That was before fleece and 40 plus years of “pilling” is apparent. But it is still my go to wood stacking jacket in the fall.Charlie Henderson was at UNH with me when each week he would bring his latest hand-sewn outdoor gear from his dorm room to our NHOC Rock and Ice Climbing Subgroup meetings to test out. I still own one of his Nameless Frameless rucksacks, which on one occasion I had in my hand for repair as I walked across his factory parking lot in East Conway. Chuck was standing at the door shaking hands with two guys in suits when he did not recognize me but recognized his pack. As he dropped everything with the two suits, he came running across the lot and said “sorry I did not recognize you, but I knew that you must be someone important with that pack.” The hand shakes that I witnessed occurred when he brought in a partner to manage the business part of Chuck Roast.
I think that this thread is the best evah for old geezers.![]()
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