Why did my crampon break?


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Crampon Hinges

While crampon hinges are being discussed, I have a related question. I have a pair of size 46 (European) Scarpa Assaults, a rigid soled, single leather climbing boot. I usually wear Black Diamond Sabertooth crampons, but recently looked at a pair of BD Contacts as a second pair of crampons. I tried on size 1, and the "pin" was set at the very last hole of the extension bar. A size 2 would provide a longer bar (a longer bar can be purchased separately), and the pin would not be at the very end. I don't think either bar would create more or less stress on the hinge and the pin, but I'm wondering if anyone has had experience with this matter.
Looks like it's going to be new, stiffer boots for me next year (sigh....). Ah well, I've gotten a good 8 or 9 years out of these boots and they'll still be good for using without crampons. I'm still searching for one of those steel shank inserts but nobody seems to have them. Maybe I'll just cut a piece of plywood and put it in my boot. :D

Live and learn, I guess (I'm also one of those fools who kicked holes in my pants when I first put on crampons). It's just that learning can be expensive in the form of broken crampons and torn pants!
The Kahtoola's would likely cost less than new boots. If I had to pay full or even sale price for all my gear now (I stocked up when I worked at EMS :D ) I'd be looking at these with softer boots. (& if I had not had multiple breaks in ankles from many years playing BB, Soccer & VB)

I'm still hiking in torn gaiters from a few years ago. I have a new pair but wearing them in winter would be just asking to put a new slit in them. The hole in the gaiter is only an inch or two long.