Wicked Fun Weekend - Lafayette, Kinsman & Yahtzee


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
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Kill Kaso, MA
Around mid-week the forecast started to look bad for the weekend and basically everyone bailed. But not Rebecca and not Dr. Wu: I've bailed way too much in the past for bad weather and I ain't doin' it no more and I guess Rebecca is too cool to bail because of a little rain. And of course, we got a wicked awesome weekend of great hiking, a few decent views, and fun times at the campsite eatin' chili, drinkin' some brews and playin' about 100 rounds of Yatzee!

So, as I said, out of the 100 or so VFTT'ers that were originally going to Lafayette Campground, only 2 were actually heading up Friday Night. I got a bit of a late start... I knew Rebecca was ahead of me so I called her, "I'm at Mile 88," she says, "where are you?" Uh oh, "Ohhh, I'm in Massachusetts still" (in my driveway) and I have about 3.5 hours of driving to go. Lucky Rebecca is a good sport so when I finally pull into the campground in my noisy-ass car at like midnight, she's got not only the tent set up but also a sweet tarp over the picnic table and a few brews in hand. It was drizzling outside so we chilled under the tarp for a while, had a few drinks and chatted for a few hours before retiring for the night.

Kinsman & Cannonballs - Saturday
10am alpine start. How is it that if I was coming up from Easthampton MA, I'd be at the trailhead by 7:30 but when I'm a 20 second walk from the trailhead I get there by 10am? I guess it's just wicked fun to hang out at the campsite in the morning, drink coffee, eat bagels, make sandwiches, good company and relax... plenty of time to hike and that's what the weekend's all about, right!? Anyway, we hit the trail soon enough -- it had stopped raining hours ago and things were pretty well dried out by the time we reached Lonesome Lake. Then up to Kinsman Pond via the ridiculously easy and strangely maligned Fishin' Jimmy Trail. Great view of the Kinsmans from Kinsman Pond (which is a pretty location) and nice to see the new shelter. It looked like things were clearing out but by the time we reached North Kinsman we were all socked in.

Walked over to South Kinsman, had a long lunch and chatted about various things... I kept the pee pee poo poo talk to the bare minimum and me and Rebecca had some great conversations before we moved on. From here we went up the Cannonballs which are beautiful and mossy and green, no views here but there wouldn't be any that day to begin with. Still no rain though! Descended Lonesome Lake Trail to the pond and then, all of a sudden, the sky opens up! Great views... Franconia Ridge is completely in the open (we can see it through the trees) and some beautiful views from Lonesome Lake! Nice!

Just as soon as we're back to the campsite it starts to rain and doesn't let up all night. This didn't matter because we had a tarp and we had beer and we had board games....

Chili, Beer, Vodka, Whiskey & Yahtzee - Saturday Evening
Yo, can't forget about the camping part! I used to just do dayhikes... drive up from Boston, hike, drive back; so this is a whole new experience for me camping out and it's wicked fun! I can't believe what I've been missing. I had made some chili which we had for dinner (maybe a bit spicy for a girl from the midwest :p ) and then played multiple rounds of Yahtzee! It was interesting to see who seemed to hold their liquor better: my score steadily decreased from round to round (my low score was 12) while Rebecca only seemed to improve with each beer she drank. In a best-of-15 tournament I lost 3-7 or something like that. Then we retired for the night. Yahtzee! could replace Cribbage as the new standard game for camping... :)

Lafayette - Lincoln - Sunday
10:15 alpine start -- we're improving. On the trail, it's drizzling a little. Soaked by the time we reach the hut but still having a lot of fun. Actually, the Fun-O-Meter is still reading 11 in my book, I'm having a wicked great time! We see almost nobody despite the prospect of adventure, and hey, it's fairly warm out too! Just a little rain! We reach Lafayette in the clouds and rain and chill out at the summit. The first of about 5 groups of French Canadians that we'd see on the trail (almost no Americans) walks by. By the time we head over to "Truman" and then Lincoln, the rain has stopped and views are actually started opening up. This was the coolest part of the trip...

The foliage is getting close to peak in some areas and it was particularly cool looking over to Owl's Head and in to Lincoln Brook Valley... would really love to go in there now with all the gorgeous yellows and reds. Franconia Ridge (which is always so cool) as well had some gorgeous color... lots of plants turning fiery red, what a treat! It was really turning out to be a wicked nice day -- I was starting to think the clouds were going to soon completely lift! We got to hang out on Little Haystack for a while and I really just felt so great to be there. I had a hard time explaining -- it just felt good. I'm sure others here can relate ;)

On the way down Falling Waters we passed by Shining Rock and about then it started to rain... then it started to pour!! Despite all the rain, the stream crossings along Falling Waters weren't bad at all but the waterfalls were quite impressive. So were the colors! Lots of oranges and yellows and even some reds. Still plenty of green as well -- it's only going to get prettier!! As the rain increased we decided to do some trail running and that was fun... what a great trail to be on!

Eventually it stopped raining and we reached the parking lot... just as soon as we were about to start changing though, the sky opened up and hemorrhaged rain onto us!! We got more soaked while changing than the entire hike! But it didn't matter, we had both had an amazing weekend! I was so glad that I didn't bail because as always, the weather was better than expected and also, it's always wet and sloppy fun to hike in the rain anyway. Certainly much better than rotting at home or thrashing around getting killed in some alligator pit. Even Lafayette Campground was wicked empty so we didn't have to contend with weirdo neighbors and could shake the dice cup as loud and flamboyant as possible during our 100 rounds of Yahtzee.

Then a mellow ride home for me -- the rain stopped and it actually cleared and the foliage in NH and VT was incredible. Not peaking at all, and Southern VT is at least 2 weeks away, but it was a great ride home chillin' to hypnotic Brightblack Morning Light and also The Hold Steady on the radio and takin' in all the sites... nice end to a great weekend.

-Dr. Wu
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Sounds Wicked!
Glad you guys are rough and tough and decided to get out!
Always nice to see the weather better than forecasted, as was the case here in VT all weekend.
the same in NY, in fact I think the weathermen had it wrong, it was supposed to be dreadful on saturday and clear up on sunday. Saturday was the nicer day with a higher cloud ceiling so more views of the folliage. I'm glad the few of us who stuck it out this weekend did, the rewards were great, some nice undercast was seen from our hikes.


i always though Uno was the camping game of choice, although i am a huge yahtzee fan myself. i usually bring em' both along.
mookie said:
i always though Uno was the camping game of choice, although i am a huge yahtzee fan myself. i usually bring em' both along.
I am seemingly incapable of playing Uno. Even sober. I just accumulate as many of the cards as possible. I don't think that's the actual object of the game but I can't help it.

Cribbage is too weird and inappropriate for kleptomaniacs.

Yahtzee, now that's thinking person's game!!

-Dr. Wu
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Oh, you crazy kids. With your hiking in the rain and your Yahtzee inspired drinking games..., as long as you had fun.

Any pictures?
Glad you guys had a fun weekend....sorry I missed out. :rolleyes:

It was actually nice to be home for a weekend and get caught up on all the house chores so i can play and have no guilt now for the next nice weekends!!

I had lots of time to work on my next great adventure too......

Hope you have some pics...I know Rebecca must have.
Rebecca's always reliable and not afraid to hike in iffy weather!! Cool!! :D
David Metsky said:
Oh, you crazy kids. With your hiking in the rain and your Yahtzee inspired drinking games..., as long as you had fun.

Any pictures?
Rebecca will post hers later. I might post mine at some point, but -- how does that old quote go? "He's more machine now than man... twisted and evil." I'll try.

-Dr. Wu
bubba said:
OH! It's a drinking game. :eek: That's what I've missed.
It was less a drinking game and more a game we played while drinking. More like the effects of alcohol on your playing capability. My high score was 330 (Game 2) and my low score was 12 (Game 64). Camping rocks!!! Especially in the rain!!! Great weekend everyone!!

-Dr. Wu
dr_wu002 said:
It was less a drinking game and more a game we played while drinking. More like the effects of alcohol on your playing capability. My high score was 330 (Game 2) and my low score was 12 (Game 64). Camping rocks!!! Especially in the rain!!! Great weekend everyone!!

-Dr. Wu
330? thats pretty good, you must have gotten your upper section bonus and a yahtzee!
Sounds like a boat load of fun to me!! You two are both super good sport about this, fun folks to be around that's for sure!
7summits said:
Sounds like a boat load of fun to me!! You two are both super good sport about this, fun folks to be around that's for sure!
It was boat loads of fun!! I wouldn't call us good sports for hiking in the rain though! It's about hiking and having fun -- doesn't always have to be great weather. Actually, my first real hike was Mt. Washington in 1986 and my dad and I went up in bad weather -- 40 degrees, howling winds, rain etc -- and this was on a day where at the Cog Base it was 75 degrees and sunny -- but I loved the sense of adventure and I remember going back to Washington the following year and had beautiful sunny skies and no wind and I was disappointed because I wanted it cold, wet and nasty -- I could care less about views at that age; I wanted adventure!! I realize that there's not that much "adventure" walking around in 60 degree weather and misty rain but it's still wicked fun! Especially when you have a great hiking companion and there's lots of good conversation and laughter. Also, The trails that we went up and down were wicked nice... in particular the mossy green ups and downs on the Cannonballs and the impressive steps on the Falling Waters Trail (whoever built that trail gets a tip of the hat from me)... not to mention the colors!

I think sometimes we get too addicted to views and nice weather -- and I've fallen into this trap many times myself -- that we forget to take it back to basics... old school sh!t... of gettin' out and goin' for a hike regardless. Back in the day people just went up and at it. Now, if I know a hurricane is approaching or it's winter and nasty weather is on it's way, I might think twice. But armed with a handful of commonsense and a reasonably healthy body we should all be ok doin' a hike in the rain. It's wicked awesome! Plus, you just change into dry clothes at the trailhead!

-Dr. Wu
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Sounds like alot of fun u guys...sorry i missed it!! I did have fun staying home with my girls and becoming the recipient of whatever ailments they had festering in their little bodies :eek:!!!
dr_wu002 said:
Then up to Kinsman Pond via the ridiculously easy and strangely maligned Fishin' Jimmy Trail. -Dr. Wu

Fun read; thanks for posting. I think that the FJT is maligned for some very good reasons, such as when it is under water so deep that the only option is to swim. :D
Dr. Dasypodidae said:
Fun read; thanks for posting. I think that the FJT is maligned for some very good reasons, such as when it is under water so deep that the only option is to swim. :D
I was on the Fishin' Jimmy Trail on such a day in June '06... remember May and June of '06? It was wicked fun that day! We jumped in Lonesome Lake to dry off!! Seriously -- parts of the trail were full bore rapids. It was wicked fun but we turned around at the Kinsman Pond Shelter and on the way back we noticed that the water was considerable higher! That was something else. Seriously, we jumped in Lonesome Lake on the way down to dry off that day...

-Dr. Wu
una_dogger said:
No such thing as bad weather

Just bad gear

"or lack of"! Wanna go bag Owlie on a sunny day or stick to the wet spring memories?

Its all good Frank, just how you look at what the path is giving you. Glad you folks had a great time! Went as far as exit 17 with my wife and spent the day. By afternoon I was tempted to stop up to see who made it and say Hi but 140 miles of extra petrol changed my mind. You two got two nice hikes in to boot. Awesome! :cool: