Wildcats Traverse, ......Try, Try Again, 1/28/2012


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
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Nashua, NH
Let’s try this one again (this time without battery problems)…..

Saturday – 1/28/2012 – Wildcats (A & D, and the stuff in between)

We’re hiking a traverse from PNVC to NMB trailhead. Target on-trail time from PNVC is 8:00am. We’ll plan to meet at PNVC before 7:30am and spot a vehicle(s) at NMB, and then return to PNVC for the hike.

Anybody want to join the fun?

We hike a moderate pace, which is around book time or a little more.

If you’re interested in joining the fun or have any questions, please respond to this thread or by PM.

We're still planing on hiking The Wildcats on Saturday.

The latest weather forecasts seem to suggest we'll have pretty good conditions for the hike.

Reply here or by PM if you're interested in joining the hike.

Last edited:
As of now there are five of us planning to hike The Wildcats from PNVC. There's plenty of room for more if you're interested.

Respond here or by PM.

General timing is outlined above.
