Wilderness Heals Fund Raiser


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Bob Kittredge

Active member
Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
Terrified on Webster
A few years ago my two daughters and I hiked up the Old Bridal Path to
spend the night at Greenleaf Hut. When we arrived, we found that 38 of
the bunks had been reserved for a group of women who were doing the
Wilderness Heals hike as a benefit for the Elizabeth Stone House, a
battered women's shelter (among other things) in the Boston area.

That day, the women, in groups of 6 or 7, were making the arduous trek
over Garfield Ridge from Galehead Hut; each group with a mix of
experienced and inexperience hikers. By suppertime, all but one of the
groups had stumbled wearily into Greenleaf. As we settled down at the
tables, a woman with binoculars scanned the trail coming down from
Lafayette, anxiously looking for the last group. At last she called
out, "I see them. My God, they're carrying a stretcher!" A dozen women
leapt to their feet, frantically pulled on their boots and rushed up the

As it turned out, the group had met with a solo woman hiker and her
dog, a dehydrated black lab with cut-up paws. They had improvised
a stretcher from hiking poles, duct tape and a space blanket and
were carrying the dog down to the hut.

That night, the women were totally wired. Many barely slept at all
but talked quietly long into the night.

I was very moved by the whole experience, and find myself getting
choked up just recounting it.

This year they will be holding the hike for the ninth time over
the June 18-20 weekend. If you are interested in participating
or sponsoring someone, you can find more info at:

I know several people involved with this year's hike, either as coordinators or as hikers. It's a very worthy cause, a great event, and they have my full support.

Thanks for bringing this up, Bob!
Thanks Bob!

This will be my 4th year on Wilderness Heals and my second year helping coordinate the hike.

In order to prepare for our 3 day hut to hut trip, we do training hikes from April to June - so if you see a group of 5 or 6 women carrying large backpacks (we require gear), say hello!

This year's hike will take small teams up to Galehead Hut and over to Zealand while other teams will go up to Madison and
over to Lakes. I'll be on the Madison-Lakes side, so again... say hello if you are in the area.

We teach LNT and safety, along with team work.
The money we raise goes directly to help women who've left abusive homes - it provides clothing, shelter, food and services for these women and their children. It is also a shelter for women who are in crisis with mental health issues.

If you would like to support us (I'm fundraising too), please contact me: [email protected] or visit our website

This sounds like a great event...I think I've run into some of these groups on the trail before. I'm curious, though, and didn't see the answer on their website: What percentage of donated $$ goes to the cause? Does AMC give the groups a free or reduced rate stay at the huts?
Vegematic -

The percentage : 80% goes directly to the shelter and the remaining 20% goes to the AMC for the huts. We get a group rate for the huts.
