Will there be a "Not Going to G 8.5 Support Group Meeting?"


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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2003
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Newton, MA
This meeting will be held indoors with a hike to follow only if it doesn't rain and there is fresh snow clinging to the trees. ;)
Wish I could attend this years, but I won;t feel bad about missing the rain...
I remember falling asleep on the picnic table at least years winter gathering Thursday night (or was it Friday??) under clear skies when it was like 66 out.

SherpaK warned me before he turned in - Said it was going to rain and then get cold out. "Naaah..." Said I "S'like summer out here" (word slurring intentional :D )

Yeah I woke up about 3AM to thunderstorms - Ever try to run across wet ice draggin a sleeping bag????? Doesn't work too well. :mad:

I guess Either way I will face the rain here in the Lehigh Valley if I do some short AT dayhikes as planned.

I really like the suport group idea!!!!!
I'm aware of at least one small gathering saturday night in the Cats where Raman and small batch bourbon is being served,
but you have to hike tomorrow. :)
I had to change my schedule do to my visitation schedule...The bright side is I have my son this weekend. We don't have the time to make the drive to ME but we have the time to go to the Whites...Pierce and maybe Ike Sunday with snow! It will be his first winter peak on his brand spanking new MSR snowshoes.

I am sure he will beg me to take him to the Mountain Wanderer like always does....kids think we are made of money.
The BobandGeri "Not Going to G 8.5 Support Group Meeting?" meeting will take place at the Garfield Trail head Sunday morning - all are welcome to join us.
The roving "Double Bow's Not Going to the Gathering A-Go-Go" is making two stops in the Whites this weekend. On Sunday, the shindig will be swingin' on up the Osceloas and Monday, it'll be diggin' those crazy, wild cats. It's totally my scene and it freaks me out! :D :D

Yeah, baby!!! ;)

Alright, so I'm trying to make myself feel better about not being able to go. Is that so wrong? :eek: :( :eek:
I'm actually considering not going now, only because of the @#$%ing rain. Snow I love, but I really don't feel like dealing with cold rain all day Saturday and Saturday night, like the weather folks are saying. Ugh... tough decision though.... :confused: :confused: :confused:
Last year, it rained and then all the rain froze. This would not normally have been an issue, but we had to chip away at ice with an axe to free our tent.

Even if I could convince Charlie to drive all the way with rain expected, I doubt I could convice his twin 16 yr old daughters (who we have for the weekend).
Blue - I had to leave unexpectedly late Friday last year (Thursday night was sleeping on picnic table night) and I remember it took forever using a hunk of firewood to get my pegs unburied from those big piles of what had been slush, that then turned rock hard.
I also remember cars sliding around in the niddle of the night :)
spencer said:
you naysayers better keep quiet :D

I'm headed over now, so I hope to see some of you.

Artex, are you serious?


This is tough and I know I sound like a wuss here, but I really dislike hiking in cold rain. :confused: :confused:
I'm bringing my kayak to the catskills so I can do some seal launches off of Blackhead (between Blackhead and Black Dome).. yeah baby!

Actually, Neil's ADK winter weekend was originally scheduled for this weekend as an anti-maine event but I think he pushed it back due to peer pressure.. ;)

i will be in the party celebrating in the Catskills this weekend. Jay, I am packing my mask, snorkle and wet suit. At leat in the catskills its prob going to be fairly warm rain if its in the 40's.

Let me know when the support group meets....although I probably won't make that either :mad:

Just a bit busy at work...just got home from one trip and I just got told that I have to gear up and fly out this weekend. That should get me home just in time next week to gear back up and fly out to yet another destination next weekend. :(

I hope someone is hiking. Because I'm sure not.

To those that are going, hope the rain stays away and that you have fun!

- darren
..and what is a gathering without rain??? Catskills (Hurrican Ivan), I heard the VT gathering was rainy.. now Maine.

Even had some rain for Spencer's BBQ this year...

Jay H said:
..and what is a gathering without rain??? Catskills (Hurrican Ivan), I heard the VT gathering was rainy.. now Maine. Even had some rain for Spencer's BBQ this year... Jay

Jay, I think you are getting it right!

I remember falling asleep on the picnic table at least years winter gathering Thursday night (or was it Friday??) -Rick

I'm thinking, probably both!

I doubt I could convice his twin 16 yr old daughters (who we have for the weekend) - Blue

OMG!! Not two of them?!? You poor girl... hike quickly in the other direction!! We know why you can't go -- you cant afford it!! ;)

I know I sound like a wuss here - Artex

Maybe wimp is what it sounds like. Never let weather deter you from a Gathering!!

I hope someone is hiking. Because I'm sure not... - webmeister

Hey, stop whining!! Knowing you proabably have to go to Hawaii while we are slushing around in cold, wet brush.

Stan, are we talking standard medication for this session (Tq ?) I'm holding onto the apron until I hear that Gris really makes it from Florida. That ought to teach him. Let's have the meeting over here in Western New York... the weather is tropical and we can get in some paddling!!

The rest of you have fun!!
bubba said:
I hope someone is hiking. Because I'm sure not... - webmeister

Hey, stop whining!! Knowing you proabably have to go to Hawaii while we are slushing around in cold, wet brush.

I wish. I was certainly not that lucky this week and my luck will not be improving this weekend or next week. :(

- darren