Will there be a "Not Going to G 8.5 Support Group Meeting?"


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"There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes."
-Ancient Scandinavian saying

That scandinavian was probably a sales person, but I'm packed and ready to go high peaking in the Cats.
It'll all be good at some point saturday night.
Jay H said:
Actually, Neil's ADK winter weekend was originally scheduled for this weekend as an anti-maine event but I think he pushed it back due to peer pressure.. ;)

I am SO glad we had to change the date!
Where is this Maine I keep reading about anyway? Isn't there a rhyme about the rain in Maine falling majoritarlily in the plain? If that's the case the mountains should be OK weather wise. And yeah, at the VT gathering I got to see first hand why they are called the GREEN Mountains.
I've landed some unexpected travel next week. She-who-must-be-obeyed suggested I hang in this weekend. I only could have gotten a day (or with proper quid pro quo and extensive begging, an overnight) anyways, but it would have been great to see some of you people again.

This also means two separate tripdates for this month got nuked. :(

While being out in the rain today made me feel a little better about not taking a really long daytrip... I still hope everyone up there is having a ball.

I may be fairly green, but I still haven't seen bad weather prevent a good group from having a fun time.

I'm looking forward to the trip reports.
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It has to be more fun being huddled around a campfire with a bunch of hiking friends in the rain drinking beer than stuck in the house on your own watching the same old boring TV shows drinking beer. I need this support group! :D
hikerfast here. data center woke me up at 4 am yesterday, worked till 2 pm. Nilsa was busy till 6 pm. I came to Nilsa's last night and I figure a 4 hour drive would turn into 8 hours trying to get to stratton in the snow. so much for the best laid plans of mice and men. I may need therapy, perhaps blue hills or the middlesex fells tomorrow with mcrat.
Support Group for Not Going to 8.5 gathering

Hey, Stan!
I didn't make it either - John had a big birthday, so family came, and I was home, but I need to get out soon. :)
Well, I made it. Picked up Gris and son late on Thursday and spent the night in Oxford, ME cabin. Skied Sunday River with Gris and son on Friday, then hung around the campfire after setting the tent up. Watched BoB decide that since he could not sit in the sled without flipping it over, he'd stand in it and head downhill (surprisingly well). Watched a lot of football on Saturday, played some cribbage, and caught up with friends. Oh yeah, drank a bit. Slept in the water tent on Saturday night as the pond froze ;) Around 2:00 AM the winds started howling, and the temps dropped to single digits. Got some XC skiing in on Sunday with GO's wife VO, and then later with Spencer. Got to actually hear Pete Hickey say "it sucked out there" :eek: then settled in to a nice power outtage where we played Mad and Boggle, listened to Pete Hickey and others get a sing along going, and drank a bit. Got to bed on the skating rink at 2F with lots of wind. Slept soundly, but was not happy that I had forgotten my P bottle. Twice. Woke up this morning, to beautiful blue skies, took the tent down, watched Doug Paul (a real nice guy) teach Gris the basics of XC skiing (he is now a convert, but can't seem to find dune skis :rolleyes: ). And best of all, I now have more cowbell.

So, to all who didn't make it - your loss. To those who did - our gain. :D You missed out on the opportunity to spend a great weekend with the best hosts, and most wonderful of friends.

Bubba: really wish you had made it. I convinced Gris that part of the Leather apron was that the wearer had to do 10 laps of the campfire wearing only the apron.
SherpaKroto said:
So, to all who didn't make it - your loss. To those who did - our gain. :D You missed out on the opportunity to spend a great weekend with the best hosts, and most wonderful of friends.

Thanks for rubbing it in, even though some of us had to work this weekend and could not attend.

If I would have been there I could, but it was not possible.
Those that hiked on Monday were treated to a brilliant day. We hiked in central Mass, mostly tracking bobcat. The sunset was stunning and if you hung around long enough, the moonrise was a masterpiece.

As for hiking in the rain, I admire those who prepare for anything and hold to the plans but when it comes to winter hiking in the rain, I'll change my destination, if not the day, to avoid what I consider the most needlessly risky time to hike.
You didn't miss much: 2 inches of rain, flooding, wet gear, 40 degree F temp drop, howling winds, tents blown all over the place, frozen tent hardware...


Didn't have to drive all the way to Maine to get that! :)

Had that in the catskills too, except for the tents blown around as we were under treeline...

DougPaul said:
You didn't miss much: 2 inches of rain, flooding, wet gear, 40 degree F temp drop, howling winds, tents blown all over the place, frozen tent hardware...
Jay H said:
Didn't have to drive all the way to Maine to get that!

Had that in the catskills too, except for the tents blown around as we were under treeline...
You mean I wasted all that gas? Rats!!! :)

And we were below timerline--in/next to an open field...

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Pete_Hickey said:
Heck, in a lot of places around there, the entire treeline was above the treeline..... If you don'T understand that, you weren't there.
This hole in the trees certainly was the equivalent at times this weekend....


edit: the "hole in the trees" was the open meadow where we camped.
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Pete_Hickey said:
Heck, in a lot of places around there, the entire treeline was above the treeline..... If you don'T understand that, you weren't there.

I wasn't there! :eek:

DougPaul said:
This hole in the trees certainly was the equivalent at times this weekend....


Hey Doug! I'm confused :confused: are you saying our Pete has a few leaves missing?