Winter arrives, finally!

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Both girls and I are hiking something, don't know what yet. I'll let Sage choose, since this might be the one and only time she accompanies Alex and me this winter. Max the border terrier will stay home; he won't hike a mountain again until spring 2012.

What are you doing, KPMMBM?
I'm working... but I've got two friends (not on VFTT) hiking Shelburne-Moriah. If interested... I could put you in touch with them.

I had my sights set on Monroe, Ike, and Pierce. Up Ammo down Crawford Path

Slacker! Why don't you add Jackson and Webster to the gig! ;)

You know I'm just kidding........have a good time

you know what they say about the weather in New England- if you like it, just wait, it will change :)

earlier in the week, Thursday looked pretty good, even at elevation. now its not looking so good, especially in the early morning (think driving from Maine)

Plan B- The Carters?
South & Middle Carter. I was way over dressed, it was really mild. A little windy up top but not too bad. Only saw one large group all day, the NH Wednesday group, hiking on Thursday this week because it was first day of winter. A few folks I've hiked with before and a Grid finisher, Bill the 14th.

How bout you Joe?