WMNF Forest Road Status


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Gale River Rd.

Last evening I went for a ride and saw the gate open on the south end of Gale River Rd and went all the way around..looks like it's open now with new bridges all set to go...Lefty E
The roads, they are a-closin' for winter as of today's snowfall. Be sure to check the status page, and take it all with great suspicion. For example, Zealand Road is closed, though Gale River, Haystack, and Jefferson Notch are all listed as open. One can safely assume those other roads are probably risky to drive and could be closed & gated at any moment.
The roads, they are a-closin' for winter as of today's snowfall. Be sure to check the status page, and take it all with great suspicion. For example, Zealand Road is closed, though Gale River, Haystack, and Jefferson Notch are all listed as open. One can safely assume those other roads are probably risky to drive and could be closed & gated at any moment.
I've always wondered if they have a policy on what to do if someone drives up a road and camps out for, say, 4 days. During that time, the road is 'closed'. I hope they are not stranded on the inside of the gate! Do they post notices that the gates will close as of a specific date?
You can find in another thread here somewhere that often they will post that roads are closing on 'x' (ie, Nov 15th) and after that it's pretty much your own risk if you stay overnight. According to the thread one time someone did get locked in, but even worse the snow made the road impassable to them and they had to be towed to the gate.

I think the policy might be "Don't be stupid." If closing time is nigh and snow is forecast, don't park beyond the gate.
I've always wondered if they have a policy on what to do if someone drives up a road and camps out for, say, 4 days. During that time, the road is 'closed'. I hope they are not stranded on the inside of the gate! Do they post notices that the gates will close as of a specific date?

We once climbed Carrigain on the first day of winter, driving in but not getting back to the car in daylight. Driving out, the gate was closed but unlocked so we got out. At home the next day, we found a note on the wiper to please lock the gate behind us so we had to call and apologize. It snowed the next day so we were the only lucky ones all winter.
Planned work on Tripoli Road

Yesterday I was walking up to Russel Pond and met a surveyor at the bottom of Tripoli Road. He told me that "... they were thinking of repaving or redesigning the road". On my way down a couple of hours later I saw lots of spray painted markings on the road.

I have no idea what effect, if any, this will have on the opening of the road to traffic.
Sawyer River Rd closed for repair

I just spoke with the Saco Ranger District, Sawyer River Rd will be closed until late August. It may also be closed to foot traffic while repairs are made, starting in June.
Sandwich Notch Rd.

FWIW, I drove up to SNR from the Thornton side on Wednesday (5/2.) Contrary to what the WMNF page states at this point, the jersey barriers were pulled aside and it appeared open. I did not proceed up further from that point so I can't comment on the state of the road itself.
I am told by someone that hiked the Edmands Path that although the website doesn't list it as open, that Mt Clinton Road is open to traffic.
Jefferson Notch Road - North End - closed as of 5/6

FYI, the north end of the road is till gated and is badly rutted in the sfrist stretch prior to the gate. It look like the clay has punched up through what little gravel was on the road.

Its going to be awhile.
I haven't been paying to attention to trail conditions in case it's been noted elsewhere but the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge Rd is listed as closed and was open last weekend.
The Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail head was open as could be on Saturday. Several cars in the lot. I had noticed it was listed as closed just before this weekend, but it was open, and no signs of any on-going work.
jefferson notch rd

The gate to Jefferson Notch Rd. was open today 5/24/12.......off of the Base Rd.............I did not drive up it, only past it!
sawyer river rd?

anyone know if sawyer river road is open yet? wanted to try to do carrigain next week but dont want to do the road walk--thanks

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