Woman flown off Denali after refusing to climb any farther


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Ponderous. There is absolutely NO REASON she should not have been made to produce a valid credit card or method of payment before being evac'd. A friend and member here got hypothermic on a hike in Alaska and was made to pay, up front I believe, for his helicopter, though I don't believe it was the park's.

the article said:
Chenoweth went from his tent to Luca-Mrden's, about a hundred meters away, where a head-to-toe assessment revealed pain in the woman's arch. "The 911 call provided her with a hot-water bottle," Chenoweth said.

Talk about a "pain in the arch." ;) Where's Paradox when you need a few bad puns ?
Chenoweth (the ranger) should have asked for his tent back and left her there. Eventually, she would have realized that there is only one way down the mountain.
I'm missing something here -- why was it the Park Service's responsibility to fly this woman off the mountain?

To avoid having to remove a body or defending themselves in a frivolous neglect lawsuit, I'd guess. Probably why she made all the calls, leaves a "paper" trail for the lawsuit. Sucks, but it's the modern mentality; Do what you want, then blame someone else. There should be a "Marshall Law" type clause in areas like that: freakin shoot her with a tranquilizer dart and sled her off the mountain. Thankfully no one was injured or killed helping her.
I like Chip's idea, tranquilizer than Swiss Bob sledride down, all in the name of scientific research and perhaps the Guinness book of records for fastest descent off a high peak.

UNREAL!!!!! OMG!!!!!

Not only should they 86 her from Denali but from any and ALL mountains that are over 500 feet!!! Can't they tag her name somehow so that any time she attempts a permit to climb...she's denied?

I'm missing something here -- why was it the Park Service's responsibility to fly this woman off the mountain?

Probably it wasn't a responsibility thing...more of a decision to request or require flyer her off...to prevent further disruption of the camp and others are are trying to enjoy and climb.
Chenoweth (the ranger) should have asked for his tent back and left her there. Eventually, she would have realized that there is only one way down the mountain.

Any chance that a cattle prod will become part of the DNPP ranger's kit starting in 2011? :D

(I know battery life in the cold can be an issue, but still...)
Wow. That is just unimaginable...

Why on earth did they loan her a tent and feed her?

Sounds like there should have been an unfortunate assisted crevasse accident.

Get her out of the gene pool...
Perhaps one day we'll hear:

"Beam me down Scotty."
I'm missing something here -- why was it the Park Service's responsibility to fly this woman off the mountain?

I'm not sure but probably because the park service charges a fee. Much like, I suspect, the Govt has to share in the Gulf clean-up... because they shared in the profits. (Only banks can enjoy pure upside with subsidized risk).

By charging the peak fee they, in some way, take on the nanny role for every nim-rod with a sore foot and $250.

If we let mountains remain dangerous and inhospitable, maybe folks will treat them with respect. Maybe.
I'm missing something here -- why was it the Park Service's responsibility to fly this woman off the mountain?
IMO, they flew her off because if they left her there and she got into real trouble they would have been responsible for attempting to rescue her or recovering her body.

Reminds me of the time a friend and I took her ~10 yr old son out on his first overnight hike. As we were hiking up to a nearby summit, he decided it was too much work and refused to continue, knowing that we wouldn't abandon him. (He did eventually continue and even enjoyed the view from the summit of Stairs Mt once he got there.)

So unless I hear reliable info to the contrary, IMO this was a case of an over-age child throwing a tantrum and taking advantage of the officials.

A SummitPoster found this trail conditions report, purportedly from the individual involved.

EDIT: guessing it's a "joke."
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IMO, they flew her off because if they left her there and she got into real trouble they would have been responsible for attempting to rescue her or recovering her body.

So unless I hear reliable info to the contrary, IMO this was a case of an over-age child throwing a tantrum and taking advantage of the officials.

I was thinking the same thing and then comes the lawsuit.

Perhaps they should have a billboard at the base with a sign that reads
(Check out the PIC!)
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