This topic comes up every now and then and it tends to see contentious opinions. Hunter's pay to hunt via a license, but they get a return in whatever game they may take. I think a 150 lb deer is a good return on a license fee and yes, I know not all are successful. I put a lot of money into the North Country economy, so my impact is a positive one. As far as SAR goes, I've always thought there should be a better way to fund that, I cant believe it's still an issue to be honest. In regards to funding SAR missions. I've always advocated charging those who use the service. It's fair and it's appropriate. If I have spent the time and money to go out there and do it right, I see zero reason to help pay for those that don't. Even those who just have an accident, they should pay for what service they get. No different then riding in an ambulance. I've also given thought to a percentage of the parking fee's going into the SAR fund. There you would have a direct user contributing. If people are against hunter's and fisherman paying for search and rescue, they should contact their representatives and try to change it.