I really appreciate the feedback people have been submitting. However, considering the joys of bushwhacking they cite, I still don't understand what the draw is. After all, as long as I'm on a less popular trail, I get to fully experience the solitude and beauty of nature that bushwhacking offers (for instance, on Sunday, I hiked a stretch of the Davis Path [which I wouldn't even consider a less popular trail], and during the course of that seventeen mile hike I only encountered two other parties, and they were both within the first 2.5 miles), but without getting branches in the face or having to negotiate blowdowns. Perhaps I'm simply a lazy hiker, but bushwhacking just seems like too much work, especially since it seems to yield the same net result as hiking along trails. I know some have contended that the only way to really find the "cool stuff" is through bushwhacking. Perhaps I'm missing something, since that has yet to be my experience. If so, please enlighten me, since I sincerely want to understand what the draw is.