Would you like to be in the Adirondacks right now?


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Active member
Nov 19, 2008
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Saranac Lake, NY
Would you like to be in the Adirondacks right now? New social group!

Well maybe I have the next best thing. I've always wondered why the beautiful Catskill mountains, as well as so many others are represented in social groups...yet not the Adirondacks. So now I've made a group just for people who love the Adirondacks. Drop on by, join, and lets live vicariously though a social group :D. Check out the brand-new Adirondack Outdoors social network!

Here's the link: http://www.vftt.org/forums/group.php?groupid=18
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Heck with being there I want to live there. Maybe once I retire or win the lottery. I am guessing retirement will come first :D

I hear ya, Bro. I've been thinking about our retirement home in the mountains nonstop lately!!! Gee, now all we need is the money to buy it !

Adirondacks would be sooo nice, but I'm leaning towards Maine, plenty of mountains AND ski areas!!! (and do able for two day weekends from Boston)

Oops! I'm off topic........:p
Yes yes yes a great idea! I get to live in the Adirondacks this winter. Six of us have rented an amazing house for the season and will have skied almost every single weekend until the end of March.

I too have found myself daydreaming about living there year round. There is so much to explore from right out the front door that I would never be stuck for a place to run, hike, ski, climb, etc.

I just need a way to fund it, darnit! :confused:
Yes yes yes a great idea! I get to live in the Adirondacks this winter. Six of us have rented an amazing house for the season and will have skied almost every single weekend until the end of March.

I too have found myself daydreaming about living there year round. There is so much to explore from right out the front door that I would never be stuck for a place to run, hike, ski, climb, etc.

I just need a way to fund it, darnit! :confused:

Wow, that sounds like an amazing set up for this winter! Excellent!

I often wish that I could live up there. We have a camp near Tupper Lake, so I do get to spend some time in the summer there. I always wonder, though, if living in the Dacks would be too much of a good thing? Would I come to take the beauty and opportunity for granted? I don't know, but as for now I don't have to worry about it because I haven't won the lottery or anything ;).
I think the Adirondaks change seasons dramatically enough that one could never take it for granted. I have spent more time there in winter and have rarely been there in the summer so I would enjoy seeing what the 'other three seasons' bring. Or is mud season it's own separate fifth season? :D
I think the Adirondaks change seasons dramatically enough that one could never take it for granted. I have spent more time there in winter and have rarely been there in the summer so I would enjoy seeing what the 'other three seasons' bring. Or is mud season it's own separate fifth season? :D

I'm pretty sure mud season is its own, diabolical season :( ;)
I'm pretty sure mud season is its own, diabolical season :( ;)

Hellz yeah, I'd love to be in the ADKs right now!! (Prolly skinning out to climb Trap Dike, if I had my 'druthers...) ;)

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Just curious, since I'm thinking of taking my kids back for ADK hike #2 this spring, what's the general consensus of the start/end of Mud Season?

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Just curious, since I'm thinking of taking my kids back for ADK hike #2 this spring, what's the general consensus of the start/end of Mud Season?

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Depends on what elevation you are hiking in, and where in the park you are. In my personal expereince, though, it can begin in early April and end in early June. Usually, though, the whole month of May is pure Mud Season!
Sure, I'd like to be in the Adirondacks right now! But I have to wait until there's driving to be done. I think they are about 5 hours away, correct me if I'm wrong- I live in the Seacoast of NH. I have actually climbed several peaks there. Hmmm... it was years ago... I think Algonquin, Iroquois, one with a plane crash on it.... Porter, Cascade... maybe more...

My grand plan is to wait until my son (now 13 years-old and already a WM 48 finisher -and well into the NE 67) gets his learner's permit. Only 2 more years before there will be lots of driving practice needed! See ya then!
Hellz yeah, I'd love to be in the ADKs right now!! (Prolly skinning out to climb Trap Dike, if I had my 'druthers...) ;)

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Just curious, since I'm thinking of taking my kids back for ADK hike #2 this spring, what's the general consensus of the start/end of Mud Season?

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Its always Mud season in the santanonis.......:D ;)
And if you stand looking at the plaque on Wright when you hold the rite, the summit of Wright will be ahead to your right, right?