Wright – 46th on Wright – 3/20/2010


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Mar 10, 2010
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Participants: - Robert, Andrea, Cliff, John, Sue, Stan, Art, Trevor, Belinda, Derek, Brooke

Good job Robert! Another 46r in the family – that makes four. Robert saved Wright for the last so he could finish on his namesake. Given that it is one of the less remote ones we had a few more family members and friends than usual. I don’t know why some of them absolutely refuse to do the exciting ones like Allen and the Sewards? It’s always nice though to have some ‘new blood’ along in hopes that they too may be caught by the Peak Fever that grips all of us who have finished or near finished.

The trail to Wright is snow covered and hard packed almost to the summit. The summit rocks are exposed but there is still enough snow to use snowshoes all the way. Some members of our group bare-booted or used microspikes from start to summit, but all carried snowshoes to be used if the snow became soft later in the day.

Note: On Saturday the loj Information Centre parking lot was full when we left at 2 pm. and we saw some cars parked at South Meadow.