Wright & Algonquin Peaks from ADK Loj - May 27


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ALGonquin Bob

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2003
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Out & About
Tuesday May 27

Trail in great shape. Little mud (no more than is usual in Summer), intermittent snow on the trail above approx. 4000 feet. Snow is located only on some shaded parts of the trail - bare rock summits are all clear.

Descended steep yellow trail to Lake Colden. Very rugged and rocky - slow going. Intermittent snow (some icy spots) all the way down to the lake. Did this same trail 2 months ago - it was much easier going up and a helluva lot more fun going down it in mid-March! :D

Bare boots gets the job done. Saw a couple ladies on this trail in just sneakers - I hope they had fun!

Finally found the memorial plaque on Wright - a small cairn on the left just before the actual summit cone leads the way to the plaque and some wreckage. Windy up top, with absolutely no views on Tuesday (Wednesday was crystal!). Camped at Cedar Point LT. Cold & windy, but NO BEARS! Met Pete Fish on our way out Wednesday, as he was headed up Marcy for the 673rd time! :cool:

PS: A bunch of mosquitos (and a couple black flies) at South Meadow, but nothing on the trail Tuesday or Wednesday! :)
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