Wright to Marshall


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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Who wants to do the Wright Slide and then traverse the range over to Mt. Marshall on either Oct 2 or 3?
If your interested I'll send you the info (threads, photos and reports/descriptions) I've gathered together. I posted info on the descent from Iroquois here:


On the same weekend we plan on doing Lower Wolf Jaw via Bennie's Brook.
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Tried to PM you, but your mail box is full.

Make sure you get an early start. We hiked this in June - sans the slide part. It took about 12 hours - Wright, Algonquin, Iroquois, the Tooth, Marshall and then back through Avalanche Pass. Finding and ascending the slide I'm sure will take longer than going up the trail. It always does.:D
Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it. I figured on a pre-dawn start and we'll head out via IP under headlamp glow if need be. Hopefully, we'll hit the base of Wright Slide without too much flailing about. And my inbox has been cleaned out.
Thought I'd try one last time to entice any VFTTers on what should be a very fine day. See the first post in this thread for details.
Hi Neil,

I'm interested in doing Marshall but would prefer to do it either via Indian Pass or Av. Pass. I don't think I could take the gruelling route you are planning. Usually i would give it a shot but have not hiked in a while and want something a little less challenging.

Hey! No sweat man, just check out my avatar and see if you still don't want to come. (Do take note, however, that there is a nominal fee for these services).
Doug, it would be great to have you. The weatherman is predicting better weather on Sun. anyway. Our initial plan was Bennie's brook slide on sunday but we can switch. I reserved a suite, yes, a suite at the Brookside Inn at Upper Jay. Let me know if you want to crash out there Sat. night.

Tell me, if you were starting early Sat. am. from the Garden where would you crash for zero dollars on Fri. night?
South meadows road near the loj. I always try to get the spot right across from the gate on the truck road. It has enough room to pull your car in, and a great spot to put a tent. If all the spots are full for tent/car camping, I go to the end of the south meadows road, and sleep right next to my car in the big lot. It's where I'll be on saturday night. I don't know what time I'll be getting up there. I just re-read your post, if I am starting early at the garden, I car crash(sleep) in the garden lot, so that I know I'll have a parking spot.
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Your pm box is now full--6 am it is then. I'll be there ready to go. I'm glad to try the slide on wright, as I hope to ski it this winter, and want to get a good look at it pre-snow.
You don't need to crash at the S. Meadow rd. if you don't want to. I've reserved an entire suite at the Brookside Inn in Upper Jay so there'll be plenty of room. It dosn't matter if you arrive late. And if you sleep at S. Meadows lets meet at 6 at the junction of the Loj road and the S. Meadows road and leave a car there.
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I'll meet you at 6 at the junction. Good call on leaving a car there. I'm trying to work a visit with an old friend from Plattsburgh. So I need to keep my sleeping options open for Saturday night;) .
I bumped into Doc McPeak today and he said he did the Wright Slide this summer. He said he was with someone who'd done it about 6 times before and they still sort of got lost and and a hard time finding the slide base. Also, he mentioned there were two slides side by side and to make sure we got on the correct, leftmost, one or we'd have very steep cripplebush (mmmm my favourite) to shwack through.
Make sure and bring your GPS so we can record way points for future referance.

If anyone who reads this has any comments to add, please do so.
We did the traverse in 13 hours and it went pretty smoothly. Will post a TR tommorow.