YEESSSS! #45 Allen

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Mar 11, 2005
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Allen on July 5, 2008
Last year when I planned the mountains to complement our 46, Allen was not at the 45th rank. Complete our 46 was part of our training in order to make the trek to Everest base camp in Nepal. But in July 2007, Annie's done a sprained ankle on the return from Colvin and Blake. We had to take a rest for a period of one month and my plan did not work because of lack of time. I had to change my plan and order of the mountains.
For several weeks while I know that we will soon do Allen, I had feel stress, and even more last week. Stress due to having to find the temporary path because the bridge over the river Opalescent was swept away, stress because of all the things said about the trail to this mountain, stress to find the right path and find the summit, stress if I missed my shot and being forced to go back again. Perhaps because it was the 45th of 46. In short, everything to sleep poorly.
Friday afternoon, leaving directly after work, we go to sleep in Newcomb to be early the next morning to start our hike.
It is 6.15h the next morning, we are signing the register and we are en route to Allen. At 7.30 we arrive at temporary trail that crosses the river Opalescent, very easy to find. We have to take away our boots, put them around our neck and shorten our pants. Not so worse, the water is cold but not too deep, 8 to 16 inches / 20 to 40 centimeters. The cold water on our way back will be very welcome because it will be very refreshing. But not for the boots around the neck. Near the nose, Herk! Damn how those boots can smell... at the end of a hike. Finally we arrive at the base of the Allen Brook, it is a very nice little fall.
Several people warned me to take precaution with the brownish substance that we will meet on that part of the climb because it is very slippery. Well, yes, it's very slippery. Finally we arrive at the summit and it is another summit of the 46 completed. The black flies were also there, but in smaller numbers than the other day on Seymour. There is a very nice point of view of the south-east side where you can see the Dixies, Blake and Covin, Boreas Ponds. On the north side you can see Redfield, Skylight and Marcy in the background. Two beautiful point of views. On our way down, we have to be careful not to slip on the red substance. But, I put foot on a dry surface and bang! I am on my butt. The foot slipped me, probably I had something under my boots. I slipped, fell to the ground and slide on the famous substance and I stop at least 50 feet down on a rock. The shock was very brutal. Not too much damage, I scraped my left forearm, I twisted my wrist and my little finger. This will remind me at least for a week, my passage on Allen.
Not too difficult to follow the trails, because 11 of the 14 km (7 of 9mi) to the top have trail markers and another section with ribbons today. The last portion of the trail from the fall to the top is fairly steep, but the rest is quite easy. The difficulty is in the length of the hike.
Finally, to conclude on my Allen hike, is not so worse than I expected.
We had a fantastic day under the sun.
Back at home, stress has faded, now I can sleep in peace, now we are ready for next weekend, #46 Dix.:)
Alain le Pin

Alain le Pin is a big mountain, prominent from many viewing angles. Now that you've done 45 you can move on to number 10 which will be number 46 in that range of 5.
Neil said:
Alain le Pin is a big mountain, prominent from many viewing angles. Now that you've done 45 you can move on to number 10 which will be number 46 in that range of 5.

You are very good with numbers, Neil.
But Alain le pin? the more close to that name that I know is, Alain aka "Pinpin". :D
Very nice Yvon, I keep reading your posts on the NY thread and the trip reports, you'll have a very nice internet history when you finish the 46! Hope you have a great trip, for sure it will happen soon.

If you are finishing on Dix, 7Summits and I did the 5 dixes this past saturday (7/5) via Elk lake, up the Macomb Slide, over hough to the beckhorn, and a short summer stroll to the summit. Very nice, the beckhorn trail down is as steep as ever, first time on the Dixes in the summer and first time down the Beckhorn...

It seems like everyone slips and falls doing Allen !
If you didn't, you'd be missing out on the full experience !

I know what you mean about the many "stresses" that arise as you plan a trip and how nice it is as you work through the various stages that you had
worried about. It makes the hike more rewarding.

Way to go Yvon !
Annie, Yvon,

"Félicitations", great trip report! Glad you enjoyed the cooling "Opalescent Waters" which may be less of a blessing in late October.
One more!

Congrats to you & Annie for your amazing journey in the Daks! I love Dix even when we have to break trail in the winter all the way up! I'll hope for a clear day for your finish next weekend!

Great TR BTW
Well Done Yvon and Annie on your 45th!!

I think there is a market for "Summer Special Allen Red Slime boots" :)
What happened to you was a "bummer" :D
Heal fast and look forward to a great 46!!
Your photos are beautiful!

I love the early shots of the mist rising off the water.

I can't believe how wet the Allen Slide was --eek! It was dry the day I hiked Allen, but it was still surprisingly slippery. They say the Red Slime is legendary. :)
Congrats Yvon and Annie!!! I lost a lot of sleep before doing Allen so I understand where you are coming from. Hope you recover from your bout with the red slime - that stuff always seems to win. Dix will be a walk in the park compared to Allen when it comes to stress levels!!! Looking forward to reading your final report on the 46.
I was a couple of hours behind you, but I cut off and did Adams. I noticed a lot of people signed in to to Allen that day. I hope to do allen later in august and was wondering something. You said trail is easy to follow. I noticed one of your pictures showed a road with a yellow arrow pointing left. do you continue on the road or follow the arrow? I love you pictures.
Adk_dib said:
I was a couple of hours behind you, but I cut off and did Adams. I noticed a lot of people signed in to to Allen that day. I hope to do allen later in august and was wondering something. You said trail is easy to follow. I noticed one of your pictures showed a road with a yellow arrow pointing left. do you continue on the road or follow the arrow? I love you pictures.

You will see a few of those yellow arrows on the way, you just have to follow the direction they indicate. Because like I said in my report, it is not too difficult to follow the trails, because 11 of the 14 km (7 of 9mi) have trail markers and another section with ribbons today. I can add that the markers are yellow.
Hope this can answer your question.