seems like we could have a whole thread devoted to the old plastic coleman canoes...
When I was living in ALaska we had the good fortune to borrow a 'friend of a friend's' Coleman Ram X canoe. No idea how big, but I do know for a fact it was extremely heavy!
We did the Nancy Chain of Ponds, and I believe it was a 4 day 3 night journey. There were a number of portages. These quickly became a joke. Because when you are in that much severe pain, all you can do is laugh!
We ended up hiking more, since we had to unpack the canoe, making several trips from one end of the portage to the other, and then attempt to carry the completely empty canoe. I learned a lot of new words on that trip, and believe I even invented a few myself.
The trip itself was beautiful, and we didn't see another soul the entire time. But then again, they may have just been scurrying away from our colorful language.
We gladly returned the canoe to the rightful owner, and declined his generous offer for us to purchase it.
I think it was shortly after that trip that we started buying kayaks.