Zealand + Bonds 1/26 or 1/27


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Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Oct 4, 2006
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New Hampshire
I'm going to throw this out here now to gauge interest. I am tentatively planning a Zealand/Bonds trip next weekend. The weather will decide which day, or if we go at all. If you are interested, please let me know, here, or by PM, e-mail, or Facebook. Trip is limited to 10 hikers total with 8 spots available. Experienced winter hikers only, please, this is a 23-mile trip. Unless conditions are atrocious, this should take somewhere between 11 and 13 hours. It will involve a car-spot. Direction TBD.

Bummer I'm doing Carrigain the 26th (and hanging new kitchen cabinets the 27th). Bill and I decided to do the same route (we decided to do Hale as a hit and run after Cabot on another day), planning on a N-S run using the Fire Warden's Trail and a bushwhack I think. Have fun, Tim.
Saturday is not looking as good as Sunday, and it's less convenient for me. The only person confirmed for Sunday just pulled out. Unless I hear some enthusiastic responses, I'm going to postpone this trip. Note that I may fall back to something else on Sunday - two possibilities are Garfield + Garfield Ridge Peaks or Carrigain, and I will probably ski the road section(s). Feel free to opine about either choice... will put a separate T&E once decided.
