Zealand Trail - Twinway - Bondcliff - Wilderness - Lincoln Woods.
Trail conditions: Mostly dry + some mud below 3000, above Zealand Hut some ice, 1" slush all rapidly melting during the day. Mostly dry on exposed ridges.Special equipment: Micro-spikes between upper Zeacliff junction and until timberline before Bondcliff junction.
Comments: Very windy on exposed ridges esp. Bondcliff but cloudless sky by 0930 or so. This completes my NH 4000 footers in one long day made longer by being picked up nearly 2 hours late. Only posting on this site to let some kind people know I didn't get left there all nite! TY for your offers of help!
Zealand Trail - Twinway - Bondcliff - Wilderness - Lincoln Woods.
Trail conditions: Mostly dry + some mud below 3000, above Zealand Hut some ice, 1" slush all rapidly melting during the day. Mostly dry on exposed ridges.Special equipment: Micro-spikes between upper Zeacliff junction and until timberline before Bondcliff junction.
Comments: Very windy on exposed ridges esp. Bondcliff but cloudless sky by 0930 or so. This completes my NH 4000 footers in one long day made longer by being picked up nearly 2 hours late. Only posting on this site to let some kind people know I didn't get left there all nite! TY for your offers of help!