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Hello Tom. That "amicus" might have been me (e.g., if it said "amicus stinks"), but I didn't write it. Glastenbury has been on my too-hike list for a long time, but my visits to Vermont are infrequent. My own little messages are usually in Latin. Vale!
Hi Stan, I wanted to say thanks for your input about places to paddle. I would like to head out on the Charles at some point, but typically when I am in Cambridge I am sitting in front of a computer or in a classroom, so this just hasn't happened yet. I love Gloucester, and have a friend that lives very close to Lanes Cove, but it is just a haul for me no matter where I am, and I probably won't fit it in until near the end of summer when my classes are over. I think the Concord and Assabet will likely be the area that I get to explore a bit within the next couple of weeks (right now it isn't happening at all due to my ridiculous workload --- sad, but true). Thank you so much again!
Thanks for the input on places to paddle. I have indeed found the Shawsheen challenging in the past :D . The Ipswich has always seemed like it would be equally as challenging due to low water levels particularly during summer. The Topsfield/Danvers area isn't far, though, so I might just check it out at some point. Thank you again.
I saw 'amicus' mentioned on a hand written sign near Glastenbury this weekend. Was that you?
Give these a try. No daily limit either.

Great. I am glad you are close and it works. It's a nice spot for a quick trip. They recently redid the parking area and the put in. Have fun!
I like it. It's nice to know that a comment or report is read and appreciated. Now I write and wonder if it is worth writing. So, thanks. I didn't follow the entire 10 page thread completely, but it sort of seemed like plenty of people don't miss it? Oh well.
Hi Doug,
The river guides in the link you attached to your reply are absolutely fantastic. I really appreciate you chiming in. I will definitely be exploring at least 1 of the two this summer. Thank you so much again.
Thanks for the Nashua River access info! Interestingly, I think I may have canoed there with kids when I was working at Merrimack River Watershed Council 8 or 9 years ago. We only did it once, but it sounds very familiar. I don't think it will be hard for me to find the put-in. Nashua is only 30 minutes from where I am for 4 days out of the week and it sounds like a nice excursion. Thanks again!
Thanks Bryan - very good to hear. That's such a great link in loop hikes I was hoping the fireworks would settle down after a bit.

See you on the trails.
hi scott. i have never had an issue. i know the trail is getting regular use and haven't heard anything from anyone else. the usfs has officially abandoned it so i'm guessing the landowner feels he has won. there has also been some land for sale in there that may be his piece, but i can't say for sure.
take it easy.
