1,000 Views from the Top!


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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
Yeah, that's going to be a really long trip report! :eek:

Actually, to be clear, I have not climbed 1,000 mountains, but I have arrived at a countable summit 1,000 times. I've climbed just over 400 different mountains.

To sum it up, it's been an amazing journey. I started peak bagging in 1998, slowly at first, and then more and more over time. To give you an idea, I had 600 in April of 2009. We get out 2-3 weekends a month, and hike 1 or 2 days per weekend. Once in a while we go on a long weekend and hike our butts off.

As a prelude to 1,000, we did Indian Head, Twin, Sugarloaf, and Plateau on Saturday to bring the total to 998. It was misty most of the day but did not rain till we were on our way home. Then it really POURED! :eek:

Sunday, it cleared up and we continued our stroll along the Devil's Path with a trip to Leavitt and Hunter. Hunter was #1,000. I picked it for 3 reasons:
  1. It was a Fire Tower peak
  2. It was a 4K
  3. It was in the Catskills
These being 3 of the things I focus on when hiking.

The views from the top did not disappoint, they were awesome! We could see all the way to the horizon in every direction.

Facebook pics

After chatting with a few other hikers and the summit Steward, we headed down the Becker Hollow trail and drove to Windham to complete the Views and Brews! :D

Thanks to my wonderful wife Laurie for being there for me today, and for most of the journey! :)

Just a few numbers:

Total 4Ks - 337
Total different 3Ks - 276
Total Winter ascents - 265
Total 4Ks in Winter - 124
Total Catskill ascents - 294
Total different Fire Towers - 104
Total different peaks with Laurie - 394

Speaking of Laurie, I'm sure she passed 1,000 a while ago!
I don't know if I'm more impressed with your total number of peaks or your record-keeping abilities. Congrats all around. :)

BTW, you are averaging 5.557 posts per peak on VFTT alone. :eek:
The question "Which climb did you like the best?" is a tough one to answer with a 1,000 under your boots but surly there were some memorable events you can share with us. What's your top ten memories? or less if it pleases you.


LR :)
Way to go Tom and Laurie! Keep those milestones and mileposts rolling.

Say ... at 5.557 posts per summit average, I wonder how many beers per summit that was?
Good thing I don't keep track of beers per summit! lol!

Ralph: Yup, she's wonderful! :D

Top 10 in no particular order.

Cascade solo in Winter when I could not stand up due to the high winds! :eek:
Bond Cliff with Laurie for her 48 Finish
Katahdin for her 115 finish (and my 2nd)
Carrigain for my 115 finish
Allen W46 Finish
Adams W48 finish
Slide for my Cat 35 Finish (Views and Brews was 'born' that day!)
Westkill for my W35 finish with all 3 of my kids.
Willowemoc for the CHH finish with Laurie
Hunter for the 1000th!
Next goal - 1,000 miles of vertical?
When do you reach that??
I don't keep track of vertical, but if I estimate 1,000 per peak, I have 1,000,000 feet of vertical, or about 190 miles.

If you want to see some big numbers, check out this list! It includes at least 3 members of this board. :cool: And I know a few other people who would qualify with ease!
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Yeah,Tom - I'm #42 on that list - with a paltry 846 ascents. Never thought about it, but 1,000 would be a nice goal....
Nice! I wish I kept records, although I'm nowhere near 1,000. I might make half that total before all is said and done, and I'll consider every minute of that time well spent.
