S is for Snow heading up the South Fork to South Hancock on the first Saturday of Spring.
On George Washington's Birthday 2013 headed up to Jefferson via the Jewell Trail, I got to see the clouds wash over Monroe like waves crashing over rocks at the beach.
W is for Willard Section House. A Wonderful spot in the White Mountains
X is for X-ray
(not mine, but I was present to witness the accident and to assist in eXtracting the victim from the eXtremely rough terrain of Rumney. I was taking photos while he was bouldering. He only fell a couple of feet, but landed with his leg stiff and his foot half on and half off a small rock. You can see a fracture of the fibula, near the letter L; also the medial malleolus [the projection on the end of the tibia] has snapped off.)