Alphabet Photography Game

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OK, so Q is tough, so just to keep the thread moving, here goes:

Q is for the Quick Mask Tool in Photoshop.
Q is for Quiet time. backcountry campsite, Shelf Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Montana

S is for Snow heading up the South Fork to South Hancock on the first Saturday of Spring.

And here I thought S stood for selfie.


I had envisioned a page full of thumbnails, but it won’t let me put up more than 12 at a time, and I don’t have the interest in compiling a bunch of thumbnails into one image here, then uploading that.
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S is also the South Twin sign with stellar slides on Franconia Ridge and Garfield in the background. BTW SteveR took all of these spectacular shots but selflessly shared them with me. He's super talented!

U is for Undercast


Really one of the more spectacular sights one can see while hiking up a mountain. This is Presidents day 2013. This is also the first time I ever got to see one. On the way up I thought this was going to be "one of those days". This day will be however, etched into my memory forever. On George Washington's Birthday 2013 headed up to Jefferson via the Jewell Trail, I got to see the clouds wash over Monroe like waves crashing over rocks at the beach. Just stunning.
V is for Veratrum viride and other vivid vernal verdure

My first trip up Moat Mountain, this spring. I was staying in Conway and got to watch springtime proceed over several days.
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W is for Willard Section House. A Wonderful spot in the White Mountains


N-I-C-E shot Ian! In all the years I have been meandering in the Whites (and the years number in the decades my young friend), I have never been at that spot.

And thank you for the Willard post. I was sure the W would be Washington.
X is for X-ray
(not mine, but I was present to witness the accident and to assist in eXtracting the victim from the eXtremely rough terrain of Rumney. I was taking photos while he was bouldering. He only fell a couple of feet, but landed with his leg stiff and his foot half on and half off a small rock. You can see a fracture of the fibula, near the letter L; also the medial malleolus [the projection on the end of the tibia] has snapped off.)
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X is for X-ray
(not mine, but I was present to witness the accident and to assist in eXtracting the victim from the eXtremely rough terrain of Rumney. I was taking photos while he was bouldering. He only fell a couple of feet, but landed with his leg stiff and his foot half on and half off a small rock. You can see a fracture of the fibula, near the letter L; also the medial malleolus [the projection on the end of the tibia] has snapped off.)

Wow - that's some camera you got there!