Lace Locks

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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
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Does anyone use lace locks on their boots? Seems like a great idea but most of the models I have seen are just like the clips you see on the drawstrings of stuff sacks, hoods, etc. Do they actually hold tight on a boot or do they slip? Has anyone seen a better design or made a home-made gadget to tighten laces snugly and keep in place?
Try this:

i have a pair of Salomon shoes with lace locks and they work fine. There's even a shoelace garage at the top of the tongues to tuck them inside.

Thanks for the reference. Is that the type of knot that could be tied "inline" before the last set of eyelets/hooks or is that only for the finishing knot at top? I should point out that I am a shameful idiot when it comes to knot tying. I don't do well with diagrams or even videos. I'll give this one a whirl though. I was actually looking more at a physical product to lock the laces versus particular knots (because I am a moron and cannot tie them). :)
The knot is a finishing knot. It's pretty easy to tie after a little practice.
I use rawhide laces on my boots. They stay tight and you can cut them to whatever length you want.
I buy those things by the fistful and use 'em for everything ... 'cept on shoelaces. Should work, though. The clips come in a couple different sizes so the tighter the better for something that takes a lot of strain.

I do have some soccer players whose shoelaces are chronically loose it seems. Let's see ... you cinch the left side of the right shoe to the lace on the right side of the left shoe and there you go .. your friend owes you one!:)