The first "Specification" at the link in the original post says,
- Except while being prepared, consumed, or transported, all food and food containers shall be properly stored at all times. At no time will these items be left unattended.
I think that going for a hike with your protein bar or whatever food would count as an act of transporting the food. Dropping packs (as discussed in other thread linked above) would be another matter, since you aren't transporting anymore.
Both backcountry and roadside camping areas are likely the main concerns, along with hunters and fishers.
Last year I camped at Osceola Vista campground with my family. We are very disciplined about putting food away in the car after meals, and certainly before going out or to sleep. However, the amount of food we saw spread around other people's campsites was quite surprising -- it was like a big party all around us, with everyone gone to bed (or passed out drunk) with all their beer cans, burger and dog fixings, chip bags etc still all out in the open.