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  1. gram

    Conditions in Blue Hills

    Not sure how helpful this is, but we were snowshoeing at Appleton Farms - Hamilton, MA today. 12-15 inches there and snowshoes were definitely the order of the day!
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    Trail Bandit Ossipee Mountains (NH) Map - 1st Edition (2009)

    Great job! Would it be possible to add some "P"s to indicate parking areas, such as the one by the bottling plant? I am not too familiar with the area, so, for example, I would like to know if there is off road parking at the Bald Knob and Shannon Brook trailheads. Please let us know when...
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    North Conway - More Than Just a Pretty Place to Shop (Middle & Peaked Mtn: 06-Jan-09)

    When the Presis are socked in, the the Green Hills are many times clear as a bell! We were so pleased the last time we were there, we sent a contribution to the Nature Conservancy for trail maintenance.
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    Low-flying Jets over Maine

    From Cannon - 2007 FOT48 Here's a link to a picture of one of 4 "cargo" planes that flew thru Franconia Notch. It was really poor visibility that day, a thrill none the less. Can anyone identify the plane from the poor shot? It was the best photo we could get...
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    Canon P&S operating temperature?

    Thanks again The battery discussion was great. I ordered a Canon A1000 IS - 10 MP, 4X optical zoom, and a viewfinder. I decided against the A2000 which has 6X zoom, but no viewfinder. You just can't teach an old dog new tricks! By the way, if you're in the Boston area, CVS has a 4 pack of...
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    MSR Lightning

    I love mine - 21 inches, no televators. They are so light - that's what sold me on them. My husband and I don't break trail in the winter, so we don't need a lot of flotation. Their compact size means they are very maneuverable. We do find ourselves on a lot of packed down icy type slopes...
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    Canon P&S operating temperature?

    Canon SX110 IS and Canon A2000 IS
  8. gram

    Canon P&S operating temperature?

    great info Thanks, everyone for all the good info. Another question - The 2 Canons I'm looking at say they take 2 AA Alkaline or AA rechargeable NiMH. Can I use AA lithiums in the camera? What about a CRV3 lithium? Since I've had excellent luck with the CRV3 lithium camera battery in...
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    Canon P&S operating temperature?

    Looking to replace my Kodak with a Canon compact P&S under $250. But in reviewing the specs on the Canon A2000 IS and the SX110 IS I see - "Operating temperature 32-104 degrees" Hmmmm - winter hiking? Batteries are the same for both - 2 AA alkaline or rechargeable AA NiMH. My current Kodak...
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    Updated Trail Bandit Ossipee Mountains Map & Ossipee 10 List Update

    Roaming around at the Castle First of all, thanks to Rocket 21 and Trail Bandit for all their efforts in trail maintenance and map making. You got us interested in the area, so.... On the way home from an overnight in N Conway, my husband and I decided to hike Mt Roberts. The weather was...
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    Our Personal Health Plans

    weight management I think your weight has a big impact on your endurance and your ability to avoid injury. As we age, it becomes more difficult to keep the pounds off, but also more important. Less pounds = less strain on the knees and spine. If you eat right, everything in moderation, the...
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    "No Shortcuts to the Top" by Ed Viesturs

    "No Shortcuts to the Top: Climbing the World's 14 Highest Peaks" by Ed Viesturs I liked this book because he discusses his personal history as well as his adventures. It's an interesting look at how you do or do not make a living at mountaineering.
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    Zealand Trail Q

    Funny you say that! We usually get up there every other year or so, and went last week. I commented to my husband that it looked "different" - we decided it was because the water in the beaver ponds was so high.
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    Tragedy in Franconia Notch

    Cloudland Falls From the Union Leader You can understand how the melting snow and ice might bring down a boulder in that area. May she rest in peace.
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    Ride for Research

    The site seems to be working now! Love that Virtual Rider. I have lost 2 close friends to brain tumors - If everyone on this site just made a small donation, we'd raise a lot of money! I had no problem just now with the site.
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    Incident at Tuck's yesterday

    Thanks, Fisher Cat. Glad to hear he's ok.
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    Flower Quiz #1

    #7 Is #7 Dwarf Cinqufoil?
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    Incident at Tuck's yesterday

    We arrived at Hermit Lake just as someone was being evacuated by snowmobile and sled. Evidently he had been hit by a chunk of ice near lunch rocks. I wonder if anyone saw something in the local papers this morning? The injury didn't appear to be life threatening, but I'd like to know if he's...
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    AMC photo contest

    Just curious what people thought of this year's winning photos? I loved Mount Monroe, but wasn't crazy about the Lakes photo. The link is here
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    Trails near Winnipesauke.

    Castel in the Clouds Grayjay, I have not hiked in this area, but had been thinking about it. When you say start by the pond - is that next to the Castle itself? Are there maps at the kiosk? Thanks for any info!