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  1. gram

    Waterville trails with kids on pulk?

    We are headed to Waterville Valley with kids 1 1/2 and 3 1/2. Thinking of renting a pulk from the Nordic Center for the youngest - she's a light weight! We are snowshoers, not XC, and are looking for suggestions on appropriate and interesting trails. Some thoughts - Greeley Ponds from Depot...
  2. gram

    Feb. 17th-Mt. Pemigawasset to avoid a VFTT lambasting

    Good choice! On Sunday we headed up the Old Bridal Path, our goal being the ledges on Walker Ravine. Bluebird day at the parking lot at 10:45, blue sky, full sun, no wind. 10 minutes into the hike and the clouds rolled in. When we hit the ledges, the temp had dropped 15 degrees and the wind...
  3. gram

    White-Capped, Boiler-Plated Twokay under Glass with Chili and Cornbread

    Lake Solitude Solitude Lake Solitude is a nice hike in the summer as well!
  4. gram

    Another missing hiker FOUND in Franconia Notch

    update in Boston Globe
  5. gram

    Amazing pics of Angel's Landing, Zion

    I thought the pic of all the people bunched up on the trail was very unnerving. I figure that even if I didn't fall, someone else would!
  6. gram

    Amazing pics of Angel's Landing, Zion

    Angel's Landing I think I'm reconsidering this hike for our upcoming trip! This is a really nice site, the owner is a professional photographer.
  7. gram

    Planning Southern Utah trip

    book recommendation My husband and I will have 9 days in June for Zion, Bryce, and a day at the Grand Canyon N Rim. We purchased "Hiking Zion & Bryce Canyon" by Molvar and Martin. It also has a chapter on Cedar Breaks. The book has elevation gain, distance, est hiking time, etc. Also...
  8. gram

    Maudsley State Park 1/5/08

    Packed snow on the paths. Soft snow with a layer of crust in the open fields. The snow cover is good for x-c, hiking, snowshoeing and should hold up through tomorrow. Comments: This is a great place to get some exercise when you haven't the time to drive North. It's a beautiful properrty...
  9. gram

    Little Haystack Views and the undercast - 12/28/07

    I agree with your wife. Great shot!
  10. gram

    Your Top 7 (photos) of 2007!

    I love this thread! My favorite hikes were those during my recovery from some nasty surgery I had in June. The pictures aren't spectacular, but for me they bring back memories of wonderful familly support and "small victories." The first is Zealand Falls, was I slow! I really wanted to...
  11. gram

    Waterville animal tracks

    I also thought bobcat, because of the in-line footprints and the distance between each print. Yet in the pic with my boot, the track looks huge. Must be the rain enlarged the footprints. Thanks for the links, nartreb, they're good to bookmark.
  12. gram

    browser locking up?

    Ie 7.0 I have no problems on this or any other site with IE 7.0. As suggested before, I would go for the upgrade, might solve the problem.
  13. gram

    Waterville animal tracks

    Here are three pictures from last Saturday. I'm womdering what animal this might be? Looks like the prints might have been made in slush which then froze solid. The animal prints were the only ones that...
  14. gram

    Monarch migration?

    There is a pull off on Rte 302 south of Dry River Campground with a view to Washington. The field at the vista is full of wildflowers. We pulled in there Tuesday and were delighted by dozens and dozens of Monarch butterflies. The purple asters were 4 feet high and evidently that was...
  15. gram

    Beavers removed from below Cannon

    My husband and I usually do a yearly stroll up the Pemi Trail from Lafayette Campground to Profile Lake. Mid-section there has been beaver activity with a large area of dammed up water. To our surprise, the area is now "drained." We stopped in at the campground store to inquire what happened...
  16. gram

    Is the town of Jackson Hole WY itself worthwhile ?

    Can't really remember - but an interesting name for a road for sure!
  17. gram

    Is the town of Jackson Hole WY itself worthwhile ?

    my 2 cents Hi Chip, We did Yellowstone / Grand Teton several years ago when our kids were teenagers, with Jackson Hole at the end of the trip. My suggestion would be to take a few hours to walk around, see the antler arch, get a feel for the town. Jackson Hole is not that big. Then head out...
  18. gram

    AMC photo contest

    Well, I looked at the "People Outdoors" third place winner in AMC Outdoors this month and thought it was a nice pic, but nothing spectacular. Then I realized the AMC had cropped it and turned it into their cover photo. The close up is so much more dynamic, IMHO. It makes a great cover -...
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    What to do if you run into a moose

    a really stupid question......... I always carry a whistle on the front strap of my backpack - in case we're lost, need help, etc. But I've wondered - If charged by a bear or moose, what reaction would the animal have to a whistle blast? Obviously that would only be a measure of last resort...
  20. gram

    Your Favorite USA-Canada Hiking Destination/ National Parks

    Many Glacier shadowcat- Check out staying in the park at Many Glacier for a couple of days. There are SO many great dayhikes starting right from there. We stayed at the Swiftcurrent Motel. There is also a grand hotel there on the lake. Then we moved to a private chalet on the other side of...