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  1. K

    Slow NH 48

    Why does a lot of people say that there not looking forward to Owl's Head??? Just curious.
  2. K

    Seawall Campground, Acadia NP

    Then I guess you'll have to wing it.
  3. K

    Seawall Campground, Acadia NP

    We're pretty sure that you will need reservations. UK says that while school is out, pretty much anywhere up there you'll need them. I'll be different when school is in session, like after labor day. We're hoping to make a trip up there in October, Veterns Day weekend. We haven't been up there...
  4. K

    Fatality on Washington

    How sad. Least he died while he was doing what he loved.
  5. K

    2 day hike in the whites?

    WOW, great info for us as well. We'd like to start getting into shape to do some hiking soon, as well. :D
  6. K

    Flags on the 48, 2006 September 9th

    Maybe we could hook up with you Pedxing....
  7. K

    Flags on the 48, 2006 September 9th

    I can see why the Bonds are the last.....seems like there's no easy way to get there without doing an overnighter the day before.....humm. I'd like to participate somehow, just not sure what would work for us. Either Mt. Washington or we'd have to try to hook up with someone else. We could...
  8. K

    Deer flies have dissipated!

    Yeah, just a few weeks ago when we finially swam in the pond, they(deer flies) practically drowned us.... :eek: Man, the biggest gripe I've got about summer is the black flies, deer flies, and the biggest(or smallest) of all is NE's smallest bird, ;) the mosquitoes :p ..... Twice this year I...
  9. K

    Baxter State Park - Katahdin/Hamlin/N. Brother

    Sounds like you had a great time! Good for you. I always enjoy Baxter. Yep, just about every time we've been there, we've seen moose. :D That's always extra special.
  10. K

    1st trip to Maine

    Yes you would need a reservation at Black Woods Campground, this could be a tough one to get into, but if you try early enough, it's a possibility. Seawall is another one, but hubby seems to think that's another one tough one to get into. Then there's Bar Harbor Campgrounds which does not take...
  11. K

    1st trip to Maine

    Well.....where shall I start? Camping around Portland, uh'd have to go at least 20+ miles away from Portland inland for that, unless of course you don't mind looking at the overweight, Frenchmen/women in speedos :eek: down to OOB, which is still about 10 miles south of Portland...
  12. K

    First Time

    I, also, have not done Mt. Washington and would like to do it sometime. This is the kind of info, I'd be looking for as well, especially since I don't like to kill myself being near edges, they scare me. :eek: Maybe this fall....I'll have to see.
  13. K

    A Few Days in Baxter

    Sounds like you had a great time! I do every time I got there! I could never get tired of Baxter, it's such a beautiful place, I just can't seem to get enough of it, always hate the leaving part.
  14. K

    HOT,HAZY & HUMID this weekend

    My solution.....just don't hike in the heat! ;) No typically I don't hike in the summer, it's just too damm hot for it. I like the cooler fall hikes. In the summer I like to swim, kayak(which can be pretty hot too, but swimming usually goes along with that), or anything else to try to stay...
  15. K

    Black Fly Season

    All the more reason, we'll be waiting to do some hiking.....damm pesky black flies...... :p
  16. K

    Not that I'm an expert...

    Yep, we definately have our fair share of weird weather around these parts....the old saying goes, "if you don't like the weather now, wait, it'll change in five minutes"....something like that. :) Just when we think we're all safe and sound up here in what my friends refers to...
  17. K

    Katahdin Trail options from Chimney Pond to Knife's Edge

    OMG, this is your first time at Baxter! And you got res. at Chimney Pond? at that?!!! Good for you! You are in for a real treat! The views there are soo spectacular, your never going to want to leave! Well, this is my opinion...take it from a scaredy cat, cautious person. For one thing, I...
  18. K

    How much rain have you gotten?

    We're in Barrington...there's been a lot of roads being closed due to river overflows. We live on Long Pond and the streams that flow into it have made quite a few overflows on our road and the road on the other side of us, as well as routes towards my's time to make the rain...
  19. K

    Acadia Nat'l Park - May 6-7, 2006

    Nice pictures. Man, can't believe it's been a few years since we've been up there! That's it we're going up there this year. :)