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  1. K

    matching hiking abilities (rating oneself)

    Know that's what I'm talking about "hiking at your own pace", not out there to prove anything to anyone, just enjoying the outdoors. My husband and I have been known to try to hit the "book" time, but that's after a few hikes under out belts and we don't always do that, it's just to give us an...
  2. K

    matching hiking abilities (rating oneself)

    I'd prefer not to rate myself as I'm not really sure where I would fit. Only been hiking since I met my husband and it's not constant. There's just so much other things to do besides hiking that it just doesn't matter how you rate yourself as it is to have fun with what you do. Don't get me...
  3. K

    Stabilzers vs Crampons for above treeline

    Yeah, I'd also like an explanation of this??? :confused: Never heard of it, but if it works, that would be great, since I don't own any crampons and don't plan on buying any, anytime too soon! I do have the stabilizers and love them for some icey conditions, but they don't work for all icey...
  4. K

    Snow totals

    We got about 18" here in Barrington, NH....sure seemed like a lot mre than that though. :D I could've sworn it was close to 2 feet! I went out in the morning to start cleaning the driveway, went back in for lunch, about 1/2 hour. When I went back out, I swear the same amount that I just...
  5. K

    The worst things you can do to your body

    OMG, that's soo funny!!! :D I'm sitting here cracking up at you! I sat there for a few minutes too, thinking the same thing! Then, of course I figured it out! :D Yeah, some of those things are pretty basic...go figure. It comes down to what is instilled at you from a young age. Some of those...
  6. K

    Hunter shot, rescued

    All the more reason to stay the heck out of the woods during hunting season! Dum a$$e$!!!!Great white hunters! :mad: Yeah right! :rolleyes:
  7. K

    Mount Major

    Thanks Carole for clarifying the information....when I was up at the top, I remember seeing the sign stating how far it was to Straightback Mtn., but couldn't remember the exact milage. But from the "backside", as I said, I remember seeing another sign stating the milage from that point, but I...
  8. K

    Mount Major

    Now I'm still a little new to the area....but....I've been up to Mt. Major a few times, once with an acquaintance, once by myself and my dog, and once with my husband. I'm not familair with the Jesus Valley Rd entrance, but have always used the most common trailhead. Just a few thoughts on this...
  9. K

    Is Tripoli Rd from Waterville Valley Still Open?

    We're heading up there tomorrow too! We're planning on going up to Osceola by way of the Kanc. I hope this will be okay..... :)
  10. K

    Summit Rituals/Traditions ?

    Interesting....verrryy interesting. :D Yeah, usually by the time I reach a summit, I'm usually pretty sweaty, so I remove the sweaty things(such as the upper under garment and top) and put on a dry shirt, fleece, and windstopper...depending on the time of year. Then I take a good look around...
  11. K

    2005-11-06 Mt Willey NH 4K

    Thanks, Artex, yeah I servived it! :) It was a little more than we expected. Especially the stairs! Then the climb! :eek: I was very impressed with the view of Mt. Washington from there! It was a great trip though.
  12. K

    Mt washingtons first snow 10/22

    OMG, you've got to be kidding me! They got to be insane! :eek:
  13. K

    Mt Greylock Overnighter: Snowtastic!

    That's okay, Pennsy, I'll let it go this time.... :p JK
  14. K

    Mt Greylock Overnighter: Snowtastic!

    Yeah, I know Yam, but the day I signed on here I was having Kluty issues around the house, so I decided to use that one, but you are right I am more of a Skeetah bait(magnet). :D As far as the meeting at the bar, I don't think I can make that night, but like I said after I finish my class in a...
  15. K

    Mt Greylock Overnighter: Snowtastic!

    What a fun time we had! Even though uphillklimber and I didn't do the whole hike with the rest, just getting together with the old gang and meeting new ones is always a blast! The snow wasn't expected, but I thought it just added to the experience, it soo pretty. :) I bet there's some really...
  16. K

    snow report

    We were at Mt. Greylock in Mass this weekend and woke up to a dusting to about 1" of snow! :eek: I thought it was pretty cool.
  17. K

    Galapagos Island Trip Report

    Sign me up! I wanna go. :) Those pics are great! That's one huge turtle! :eek:
  18. K

    Maine (OK, [I]southern[/I] Maine) beer night

    Gee, sounds like if I can make it, I may have to stay at a friends in Portland, maybe even drag her along with me. :D I'm due for a stay in Portland anyway. She doesn't really hike, but is always up for a good time, especailly at the Great Lost Bear!
  19. K

    Maine (OK, [I]southern[/I] Maine) beer night

    I used to live in Portland. I'm now about 1 - 1 1/4 hour from Portland. I still have friends and family in the area. I recommend the Great Lost Bear, 'cause, yes they do have quite the selection of beers, not that I wouldn't know too much about that.... :D but a good friend of mine and I used...
  20. K

    Old Speck, New Friends #58 -- 10/1/05

    Sounds like you had quite the interesting hike, to say the least. You don't usually hear too much about that kind of hiking in the NE. No, it is not unusual for Europeans to go topless. When vacationing in the Caribbean that's pretty common place. For some of us women in the states, it takes a...