The worst things you can do to your body

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THAT'S some scarey poop! I'm glad I love hiking and get a descent amount of excersize.I'm amazed that so many people, especially young people, live just totally inactive lives. I have many athletic friends that I grew up with playing sports, that are now the same way. People seem to be busier than ever, I know, I've been married almost 25 years with 4 kids, but if you're an active person with interests it seems a lot easier to find the time to keep doing the things you love!
Dear Fred,

You had me going for a moment! I was convinced that hiking was going to show up in that report alongside cigarettes and unprotected sex. Then I figured that attending VFTT gatherings was going to be (black) listed but we all lucked out on that one too.
Hope to see you in January at the Ark.

Your friend,
At first I thought the title was "Top Ten Worst Things you can do to your Buddy", and I got excited about a series of trail hijinks to pull on your hiking partners. But this was a great article. It's amazing how people can put their urges ahead of common sense and logic when it comes to living their lives.
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Not surprisingly, most of those things are voluntary activites and 'easily' avoided (acknowledging, of course, genuine addictions).
Then again, some people argue that the fact that I own three different helmets would suggest that those aren't good activities for your body, either! Hiking the Six Husbands Trail with a heavy pack isn't good for my body (or at least my knees), I'll tell ya that. ;)
Rick, I did the same thing b/c the T-mobile things opens as a pop-up window.

then the ad shows someone talking and emailing on their phone while riding a motorcycle.

I thought that was the "worst thing you could do to your bocy" to ride a bike and talk and email. especially around the sharp mountain turns the ad depicts.

truepatriot09 said:
At first I thought the title was "Top Ten Worst Things you can do to your Buddy", and I got excited about a series of trail hijinks to pull on your hiking partners.

That's a great idea for another thread! Oh boy, back country pranks..... don't get me started! :eek: :D :p :rolleyes:
Rick said:
Been a long day. I just spent 3 minutes looking at the welcome screen trying to make teh connection between what T-mobile Cell phones and motorcycles have to do with the worst things you can do to yourself. :eek:

OMG, that's soo funny!!! :D I'm sitting here cracking up at you! I sat there for a few minutes too, thinking the same thing! Then, of course I figured it out! :D

Yeah, some of those things are pretty basic...go figure. It comes down to what is instilled at you from a young age. Some of those poor young ones just don't have a clue! That comes from their parents. It's too bad too, it doesn't have to be that way.

I'd have to say eating McDonalds three times a day with no exercise would definately do it to ya. :eek: Last time I ate a(1, notice just 1) McDonalds french fry I thought my body was gonna do a total freak out, after the bite of the fry, I passed on that. My system just can't take that stuff anymore.

This is the formula for how you can get to spend the last 10 years of your life insensate with Alzheimer's, draining first your family's accumulated savings and then sucking up public funds.
PSSSST: Don't tell anyone, but everyone dies.
It is pretty amazing....... easy it is to fall into these bad habits, particularly inactivity/poor diet since these are usually passive decisions. But the flip side is how easy it really is to get into good habits too. A little education, discipline, and willpower is all it takes. Good habits can be just as addictive as those bad ones! :)
My body is a temple. The sacraments are hearty chow, potent spirits, and lustful women.
Furry said: easy it is to fall into these bad habits, particularly inactivity/poor diet since these are usually passive decisions. But the flip side is how easy it really is to get into good habits too. A little education, discipline, and willpower is all it takes. Good habits can be just as addictive as those bad ones! :)

I agree about the discipline part. I see so many people my age (44) who don't workout or do anything physical. In fact many of them look down on working out. I get some odd looks when I tell people that I go to a gym 6 days a week and go hiking the 7th day. One person said to me "Aren't you too old for that sort of stuff?".

In the words of Hamlet: The rest is silence.

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Is this another list we're supposed to do - the DEADLY 10?

Reluctantly, I must admit to having bagged most of them. Not a proud moment of self awareness.

I suppose it could be fun to try for all of them in some sort of speed record attempt.

It might not be healthy, but it'd make for one hell of a trip report.