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  1. Sugarloafer

    Anyone else losing toenails?

    Yeah I always lose at least one during ski season......SOP; no big deal. ;)
  2. Sugarloafer

    How much rain have you gotten?

    Marty...right near you here in Ipswich. We've gotten at least 10 inches since Friday...a lot of roads closed, especially near the Ipswich River in Topsfield. I spent most of today cleaning the basement. I'm thinking this is the snow we should have gotten this past ski season !!! :rolleyes...
  3. Sugarloafer

    does advantix work on deer ticks

    I live in the tick capital of greater Boston and my yellow lab spends a lot of time in the local woods, as well as hiking with me in NH and Maine. We also have a herd of deer that seem to use my backyard as a shortcut. She's two years old and I've been using Advantix since we got her and I don't...
  4. Sugarloafer

    contacts or glasses???

    I've seen these on some website (forget right now which one) and they looked pretty good. Anyone here have any experience with them ?
  5. Sugarloafer

    contacts or glasses???

    This is a good topic. I normally wear progressive bi-focals with Transitions lenses (work etc.) and I also wear them hiking, regardless of the distance and have no problems. However, I do wear contacts (just the distance prescription) when I ski, because the OTG ski goggles just don't seem to...
  6. Sugarloafer

    Do you talk on a cell phone while hiking?

    Really ?????...this is like me calling everyone from Maine a toothless product of incest. ;) BTW......Burlington where ?
  7. Sugarloafer

    Black Fly Season

    :) :) You got that right..the last three weeks in July down here are brutal !!
  8. Sugarloafer

    Maine Huts and Trails Sytems

    I guess you can never say never, but I've owned property at Sugarloaf for 10 years and I think the chances of Carrabassett Valley, ME becoming North Conway are fairly remote :rolleyes:.. Driving to Sugarloaf from metropolitan areas is a death march...4 hours from Boston in the winter; longer in...
  9. Sugarloafer

    Maine Huts and Trails Sytems

    This should be a nice addition to the Sugarloaf area : Start of $11M trail system nears By SAMANTHA DEPOY Correspondent Copyright © 2006 Blethen Maine Newspapers Inc. E-mail this story to a friend CARRABASSETT VALLEY -- Construction on an $11 million wilderness and western Maine...
  10. Sugarloafer

    Maine 03/28/06 Avery & West Peak of Bigelows

    Just got back......kind of low key this year (compared to others) IMHO. I think the cold weather on Saturday kept the crowds down. Sunday, the skiing was of the best days of the year !.......sunny, 40's and the place was empty. :)
  11. Sugarloafer

    Maine 03/28/06 Avery & West Peak of Bigelows

    Thanks for the replies guys.....I knew I had the right general area, but I didn't notice any signs and didn't have much time to kill exploring. I'll be up at the Loaf this weekend for Reggae Fest, so I'll have to take another look for it.
  12. Sugarloafer

    doug coombs

    Truly a tragedy. This guy was the best skier in the world, IMHO. He could ski a 60 degree couloir and look like he was cruising down a beginner trail at a local resort........a smooth operator, for sure. There's been a lot posted on the ski forums about him and I sort of put together an...
  13. Sugarloafer

    Meaning of Tote Road

    Most of the ski trails at Sugarloaf are named after logging terms, so I think you got the right idea. Sugarloaf has a trail called Tote's their definition : Tote Road- The road going into the woods to a logging camp along which supplies are hauled (toted) from outside
  14. Sugarloafer

    Maine 03/28/06 Avery & West Peak of Bigelows

    Where exactly is the trailhead in Stratton ? I thought it was somewhere behind Mainly Yours or the energy plant off of Rte 27, but I couldn't find it. Appreciate any help i.e street name etc.
  15. Sugarloafer

    Here comes the big spring snowstorm for the Whites!

    I'm hearing that the snow was pretty light stuff at the Loaf, but it may have been wetter and heavier at more southerly mountains.
  16. Sugarloafer

    Here comes the big spring snowstorm for the Whites!

    Sugarloaf got about a foot Tuesday night.....skiing has been very good, even before this last storm and is getting better !! Reggae Fest this weekend....should be great skiing and partying !! ;) Closing day set for Easter Sunday (4/16/06); after that bring hiking gear and skins !! This has been...
  17. Sugarloafer

    Yaktrax Pro Vs Stabilizers Etc

    I've tried both....Stabilicers are MUCH better !!! Yaktrax are good for walking down the front walk to your mailbox !!!
  18. Sugarloafer


    I use Bag Balm and find it works great...good for long bike rides too. Sounds like this body glide stuff is pretty popular in here...I'll have to give it a try.
  19. Sugarloafer

    jay peak recent info?

    I skied Jay on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (3/15 through 3/18) and for whatever its worth here's my perceptions : 1) Jay got "pounded" Wednesday and Thursday; however it was a lot closer to 15 inches than the 2 feet they reported on the internet. No question they get more snow than anyone in...
  20. Sugarloafer

    Winter Gathering 8.5 a success!

    King Tut, That's a great spot and this is my daughters' favorite off-season activity at the Loaf !!! I love pictures of the Sugarloaf area and you've got some great ones.