How much rain have you gotten?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2004
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Boxford, MA. Avatar: I heart South Twin
I am sitting here in Boxford, MA on the North Shore, where it has been absolutely pouring since Friday night. Our rain gauge overflowed at 5 1/4 inches last night. Since emptying it early this morning, we have gotten another inch, so our total is definitely over 6.25 inches, with several more inches predicted. We had also received 2.4 inches this past Tuesday and Wednesday. Most streams and rivers have flood warnings, including the mighty Merrimack. Our local stream, Fish Brook, was near flood stage last night. Am going to check it later this morning.

According to the TV weatherman, our neighboring town of Danvers has received over 14 inches of rain in May. :eek: :eek:

How much rain have you gotten?
Down here in northern NJ, we got about 3 inches Thursday night but by friday morning it stopped and friday turned out to be a very nice day. Saturday was mixed overcast/partly sunny and sunday it is overcast but no rain at all. A brief shower passed by yesterday in Morris county but nothing significant besides a fast moving t-storm. So, we've been dry down here since friday morning...

P.S. happy mom's day to any mother's out there! Now to go see if mine is awake... ;)

Holy @%#@$% @#%@#, it's wet here. I have no idea how much rain, too much. Thread title should be "water water everywhere".

NWS radar shows about 6" fell just in the last 10 hrs somewhere around Henniker, NH with most of the Concord-Manchester area getting over 4" (again just in the last 10 hrs).
way to much - this situation just plain sucks - in franklin, ma - I would have to guess 2 to 3 inches - any other day, that would be alot, but compared to others it ain't that bad - I canceled a hiking trip this weekend to deal with possible flooding issues - an not be poured on up there a weekend Just sitting and waiting and hoping we stay dry.

pretty nasty situation for mass/southern nh - water damage is by the far the worst.
I am not sure of how much we've gotten, but according to my cellar the water table is now at about 5', which is high, but at least it's not pouring in the foundation through the well line like it did last spring. I haven't had a chance to mow the lawn yet and fear I'll have to hay it when it finally stops.
I got about 2.5" in the Hudson Valley just east of the Catskills (Thursday night and Friday). I have seen 4 reports of 5" or more in the Catskills -- 5.65" in West Shokan being the highest. Saturday was fairly dry, and it looks like Sunday may also be mostly dry. Streams are high, but not flooding. Waterfalls looking nice again. :)

My home weather station recorded 4.28 inches as of 5:00 AM, with another 3-4 coming today according to the NWS. I'm at 1500 feet about a mile from Mooselaukee overlooking the Baker River Valley. Wish this had come in February as snow :p
your local river, the Piscataquog, is the highest I have ever seen it on the gauge and it hasn't even crested yet!
I'm assuming you're comfortable with whitewater, but this is extreme. Brooks are overflowing their banks, little drainage swales are now raging brooks, and by Black Brook there's a sand & gravel pit that's usually dry but has a raging river through it, and there's an small old (1800's) gristmill or something that's now several feet underwater.

I'm not at home right now, roads weren't too too bad but had to drive through several inches of water in one spot & am trying to plan my route home; there are several road closures already. I'm not counting on being able to cross the bridges across the Piscataquog. My house is on relatively high ground & basement is mostly dry but the sump pump is on & I sure hope it stays in working order.
marty said:
I am sitting here in Boxford, MA on the North Shore, where it has been absolutely pouring since Friday night. Our rain gauge overflowed at 5 1/4 inches last night. Since emptying it early this morning, we have gotten another inch, so our total is definitely over 6.25 inches, with several more inches predicted. We had also received 2.4 inches this past Tuesday and Wednesday. Most streams and rivers have flood warnings, including the mighty Merrimack. Our local stream, Fish Brook, was near flood stage last night. Am going to check it later this morning.

It appears that my neighbor Marty has witnessed the downpour, a real let down. No pun intended. Our barn basement is flooded and my dad fixed the problem. Anyone else have flooded basements?
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This is from for Rockingham county Southern NH as for the last 24 hours:

Rockingham County...
Hampton 7.10 615 am 5/14
Londonderry 5.80 802 am 5/14
Newmarket 5.00 935 PM 5/13
Newfields 4.64 1036 PM 5/13
West Hampstead 4.15 1210 am 5/14
Epping 3.56 1038 PM 5/13

And it has been pouring out since most of those updates which are fairly old so.....

Salem NH has had flooding and evacuations and lots of local road closings nearby.
It's hard to tell where the pool in my backyard starts and the deck ends. I've been emptying it periodically over the last couple of days. I have never seen so much rain for an extended period of time (except, of course, when I'm camping...then it's always raining).
Marty...right near you here in Ipswich. We've gotten at least 10 inches since Friday...a lot of roads closed, especially near the Ipswich River in Topsfield. I spent most of today cleaning the basement. I'm thinking this is the snow we should have gotten this past ski season !!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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I don't know how much rain we have received, but most of the schools in the state are closed tomorrow!
You cant even get close to the Pisc. off of Harvey Bridge road. As it was, coming down Goffstown backraod was a harrowing experience, There were a bunch of DEEP puddles that are close to swallowing cars. My mother warned that earlier in the day those puddles contained sinkholes, but the road crews were out filling them when she went by. THANKFULLY they had Goffstown blocked off at our road (Locust Hill) so that all traffic was diverted up Locust Hill. I had kinda figured they would have closed the road somewheres before Glen Lake.

I tell you, on rt. 3 past Cannon this morning Jen and I were driving in SUnshine. We saw nothing more than wayward raindrops all day, and when we drove back the pavement was bone dry almost out to the Lakes Region exits. But after those exits, and the closer you get to Manchester, the more it looks like a watery purgatory!!!!

Yup, Southern NH is definitely about to float away I think :( .... I hiked Friday up in Crawford Notch weather be damned and didn't mind coming home looking like the Creature from the Black Lagoon, but I am certainly hoping that by my next 2 days off things look a bit less messy out there in the Whites .... Some blue sky might be nice even :D, but right now I'll take just NOT POURING BUCKETS :p
Not as bad in Lexington as on the North Shore, and we did get to the Middlesex Fells for a soggy walk, with the dog going stir-crazy. There was a roaring sound everywhere from the new streams and waterfalls coursing through the woods. Beautiful!
The Souhegan river is in our back yard - it overflowed Saturday and is now @ 300 feet wide compared to it's normal 75 foot width. The spot where we have our irrigation pump (about 40 feet from the river) is now under 4 feet of water, that is now part of the raging river. I can't get to what use to be the river bank as it is too deep and the water is moving too strong. This is the highest we have ever seen the river in our 6 years here.