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  1. Jason Berard

    Compass bearing for BB

    WRT the two tracks above, Paradox and I did hit the top of the slide path, but we did have to go through a narrow-but-nasty fir wave. I'd try Hiker Ed's variation next time as well.
  2. Jason Berard

    Brutus – In Memoriam, 2000-2011

    Kevin, losing them both in such a brief period of time must be tough to bear. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope the fond memories will be some solace as you grieve. I wish I had the pleasure to meet both of them. The picture you took of them both watching old faithful always makes me smile...
  3. Jason Berard

    book review of "Climate Change in the Adirondacks: The Path to Sustainability”

    What a well written article. I guess I'll have to add this book to the list. I'd like to be lucky enough to meet Jerry sometime. j
  4. Jason Berard

    Cross Rivendell Tr-Vermont 12/1/11

    It is about 10 years old. Its primary reason for coming into being was to unite a large rural school district which spans two states. The trail crosses the entire district west to east, and passes each school along the way. The students at each school use the trail as an outdoor classroom. Not...
  5. Jason Berard

    Cross Rivendell Tr-Vermont 12/1/11

    Nice Report, Phil! I really enjoyed that section of trail when I did it a year or so ago. An interesting tidbit: The CRT is the longest official blue-blazed side trail on the entire AT. Isn't the Middlebrook Valley a special place?! In a way, it is like taking a step back in time. I'll share...
  6. Jason Berard

    Moosilauke 11/27/11

    That damage to the road really surprised me when I was up there last. I agree about the likelihood of that ever being opened up again. It will just mean less people on the west side of the mountain, which will be just fine with me, too!
  7. Jason Berard

    Climate Change Forecast for NY

    I think I heard recently somewhere that some models predict that the northern hardwood forest will vanish because the southern hardwood forest will advance quickly, and the northern hardwood forest will not be able to infiltrate the boreal forest fast enough to survive. Basically, it will get...
  8. Jason Berard

    Ore Hill shelter burned down

    Someone saw it on Oct 22nd, still standing, so that narrows the timeline to sometime in the last three weeks.
  9. Jason Berard

    Ore Hill shelter burned down

    As near as I can tell , it burnt sometime between late August and last weekend. I can't find any trailjournal entries which mention Ore Hill within that time period, so I can't narrow it down any further than that at the moment.
  10. Jason Berard

    Ore Hill shelter burned down

    A local hiker and DOC AT adopter found Ore Hill shelter burned down last weekend. I've posted this on Whiteblaze as well. I guess I'll check some trailjournals to see if I can figure out a timeline....
  11. Jason Berard

    Vermonty...I like the sound of that. I may have to scatter that throughout daily conversation!

    Vermonty...I like the sound of that. I may have to scatter that throughout daily conversation!
  12. Jason Berard

    Vermont AT management transfer

    Well, speaking as someone whose family has lived in VT since before it was a Republic, let alone a State, I'm for all things being more Vermonty. :D:cool: Dave Hardy and the rest of the folks at GMC, including all the folks at the "O" section (a few of whom were also Adopters for DOC) will do a...
  13. Jason Berard

    Vermont AT management transfer

    To be fair, The VT section requires less management. The terrain is less prone to needing intensive work. Not that more work couldn't be could. Everywhere. Having been minimally involved with the discussions about the transfer, I can say that DOC agreed that the transfer made sense. I...
  14. Jason Berard

    11/3/11 Moose Mountain....ALL OF IT

    Nice trip, Phil! I've never done the entire mountain like that in a day. Isn't the south Ridge cool? The last picture is a piece of rebar set in stones. It is likely a boundary marker. Usually, if it is set by a surveyor, it has a plastic cap with the surveyor's name and license #. Usually the...
  15. Jason Berard

    Algonquin Trail.....very scenic :)

    N35W would be north 35 degrees west, which is a quadrant bearing. Something was located 13.22 feet away at that bearing. Maybe a benchmark? Beautiful report!
  16. Jason Berard

    Personality Profile

    ENFP...interesting. I think I was ENTP 15 years ago when I took this with a group of co-workers. I really enjoy all these personality-type indicator tests.
  17. Jason Berard

    South Moose Mtn in the Snow! 10/27/11

    Nat Thompson is a nice trail. DOC has done a fair bit 'o work on it in the past 3-4 years. It opens up some nice loop opportunites. I do believe in its first incarnation, it was concieved as a ski trail....maybe even used for a ski race during winter carnivals of days gone by?
  18. Jason Berard

    Smarts Mtn. & Mt. Cube loop 10/25/11

    It was discontinued awhile back because much of it crosses private land. I believe there were some landowner issues. I think it was dropped in the neighborhood of 10-15 years ago.
  19. Jason Berard

    Wilderness and invasives?

    Davehiker, thanks for the link! Lot's of good information in there. It looks like they are treating the invasives they do find using the standard chemical methods. I"ll look through and see if any of the sites are within Wilderness boundaries when I have a WNG map in from of me.
  20. Jason Berard

    Wilderness and invasives?

    wrt the WIlderness areas, I'm really thinking about the woody invasives like buckthorm honeysuckle, barberry, and bruning bush. In the Upper Valley, I generally see all of these up and down the CT River Valley at lower elevations, say under 1,000 feet, sometimes in dense concentrations. I do see...