Crash this party? Good luck! Fire and Bourbon are a regular occurence with this crowd - just gather in the mountains sometime ~
Fire is GOOD! ;)
Awesome time - thanks for breakfast the next morning and the crash pad too! :)
Lince started walloping the deer's head with her fists until it eventually jumped the fence and ran off.
Moral of the story: DOEn't mess with the womans dogs.
Sorry to hear that you have too small a sample size Neil :D
On a serious note - I'm not exactly shy so I just usually join in on the conversation - worse comes to worse I just start saying really weird stuff, that usually get's you some space!
Anybody out there ever hit The Wall in Quechee, VT?
I drive past this thing all the time and was considering checking it out - rates seem fairly reasonable and they have a Tuesday night Adult Beginner Class - not sure I'm an adult but the rest of it seems to...
As evidenced by this post - the good times just keep "rollin", up the trail, over peaks, down banks...
Was a great weekend for sure, nice progress Kim! Great pictures everyone.
Not sure what "tuckling" is but it certainly sounds fun - and I need most of the ME stuff too, so if guys are allowed to tuckle mountains in ME with you girls count me in!