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  1. masshysteria

    mooching for info, the Greylock and Algonquin edition

    Mark, I believe there is a small parking lot near Haley's Farm, I'm not too sure about a 'legal' campsite. There is the Sperry Campground near Stony Point, but that's at the top of the mountain. The best source for official info would probably be the Mount Greylock Visitors Center on Rockwell...
  2. masshysteria

    Santanoni's May 29

    Ditto on what Neil said about the difference in the passage of time during a hike. The first time I did the Sants., I went up Panther first, which afforded me a great view of Couch and how far down and out I had to go to get there. Needless to say, I put Couch off till another day. Moral of the...
  3. masshysteria

    Help... bear canister too big

    Well Jay, it pains me to see your report. If you try the sack method, post here and let us know how it worked. I'm wondering if I epoxied some nylon loops on the outside of the canister, where the pack straps would go? I'm not sure if the epoxy would hold onto the plastic, perhaps if I scuffed...
  4. masshysteria

    VFTT and the 46er Induction Dinner

    My son (Tom) and I had a great time at the dinner. Sat with Dick and Joanne for dinner. We had great time talking about, what else? The 46. We got to meet a few people, but couldn't hang around too long. Tom did the math, 8 hrs. driving to attend a 4 hr. dinner! Yes sir, it was worth it...
  5. masshysteria


    You can't miss the trail from Dix to Hough. It follows a very narrow ridge between the two. As Raymond stated, the trail is on the east side of the large rock that is the Beckhorn. If you do come from Macomb, keep an eye peeled for the tunoff for 'Pough" and Hough. At the top of the open rocks...
  6. masshysteria

    Help... bear canister too big

    I too ordered the 300, needing the larger size because I do alot of camping with my son and friends. It should arrive today or tomorrow, and will let you know how it works. I'm also concerned about the attachment abilities.
  7. masshysteria

    New Eastern High Peaks Bear Canister Rule

    I agree with Quack, that $100, or in my case $70 investment, to save one bear is worth it. Next time you're at the Garden or Upper Works, and there's a NYSDEC wildlife biologist there, ask him what happens to the bears who get too comfy with the campers. They're not getting relocated to Vermont...
  8. masshysteria

    Help with GPS

    Who's the MAN when it comes to GPS? Doug the MAN!
  9. masshysteria

    Help with GPS

    Doug, do you think there is a way to 'jury-rig' an external antenna to an Etrex Vista?
  10. masshysteria

    Basin Mtn. Washbowl ?

    I've got to tell ya, that looks like No Mans Land in there! Mavs00, Bushwacker, and myself went to the Amp, which is on the southern side of Basin. The 1/3rd of a mile push from the Range Trail through the scrub was HELL. Thick balsam, cliffs everywhere, that was tough. And you are going to have...
  11. masshysteria

    Help with GPS

    Bill, I have a Garmin Etrex Vista, which I enjoy and use quite often. If I had to complain about something, it would be that the reception can fade out in thick cover. The one thing that I do to improve reception, like DougPaul suggested, is to keep the screen facing the sky. I either hook it to...
  12. masshysteria

    Felspar Slide

    Last year, a contributer to VFTT, the name doesn't come to me, ascended Colden via the Trap Dike, and went back down the East slide. That must have been a fantastic route! I can't imagine doing it in reverse, but I'm sure many have.
  13. masshysteria

    Joy of hiking with kids (Gap Mt)

    Great story Brian! You'll be able to recall these times with fondness after the dreaded 'teen' years are in full bloom. I remember my daughter Lauren going on a little hike with myself to Greylock Glen. The intention was just to walk around the Glen, no more. She was 6 at the time. Next thing...
  14. masshysteria

    Donaldson and Emmons - 5/7, 5/8

    So Jacob, what the heck was it that enjoyed your scent? Maybe the next post you do can have a little more detail? Just kidding! Tom
  15. masshysteria

    Panther Mountain Meteorite Crater in the Catskills

    Mark, that is quite interesting. I'm no too familiar with the Catskills, what are some of the features in the Terraserver photo? Like the large body of water, mountain peaks, etc.. Thanks Tom
  16. masshysteria

    Aerial views in the NE?

    Neil, that is a superb site! It's much easier and faster to use than the Terraserver site. On my next hike in the backwoods, I'm going to plot some waypoints using the JDMCOX program, download them to the GPS, and see how accurate it is. I'll let you know how it works. Thanks man! Tom
  17. masshysteria

    ADK100 question - Elevation variation

    Not anywhere accurate enough to be reliable for verifying elevations in that situation. The GPS shows elevation based on atmospheric pressure, therefore changes in weather affect the readout. When I head out for a hike, I try to set my elevation at a known elevation, like a benchmark. If I...
  18. masshysteria

    Creepy Sounds

    I remember as a child ( circa 1967 ) hearing a bobcat scream. THAT was blood curdling!
  19. masshysteria

    GPS/Mapping Tool.

    Mark Don't quote me on this, but as I recall, there is a UTM setting that allows for the convergance of latitude lines in the northern hemispere. On my Garmin, it's in the setup field for "position format' as UTM UPS. The only other UTM format I have is UTM user grid. I believe there was a...
  20. masshysteria

    AT in Connecticut & Mass.?

    Josh, another nice trek is from East Mnt. in Great Barrington, north to the Goose Pond area. But that is one-way.I also think that heading south on the AT from Reservoir Rd. in N. Adams, over Greylock, head down the Thunderbolt, and back via the Bellows Pipe trail to Reservoir Rd. It's not the...