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  1. dentonfabrics

    Bog Dam Road (York Pond) loop closed

    Bog Dam Rd is frequently used by hunters this time of year. Area holds lots of Aspen stands, which means lotsa grouse. I'd like to see updates on the progress of the road, or at least a heads-up when the road reopens in October. bob
  2. dentonfabrics

    Do You Tweet?

    Kevin, Twitter is a real-time communications platform, something like instant messaging, except that it sends messages universaly to anyone wishing to receive outgoing messages (called "Tweets") from a particular person or business entity. It started out as kind of a dumb "I had eggs for...
  3. dentonfabrics

    2010 Fall Foliage thread

    I was up north near Red River Camps in Deboullie, ME last week and the colors up there were very noticable. An early fall perhaps?
  4. dentonfabrics

    Do You Tweet?

    I was wondering who uses Twitter for hiking information. I really like Twitter and although I dont Tweet (post outgoing comments), I follow a bunch of hiking and outdoor related accounts on a daily basis; @HikeNewEngland - Twitter account for a VFTT style hiking BBS @OrvisPodcast - fly fishing...
  5. dentonfabrics

    DVD recommendation

    I wanted to bump this thread up and give another vote for the movie "Southbounders". I saw it on Netflix last night. Not a documentary, it's the story of a small group of southbound hikers on the AT. And hikers, esp New England hikers, will see a lot of familiar places in Maine and NH as...
  6. dentonfabrics

    Losing Weight and Getting into Shape

    No matter how much beer I drink, I can't seem to lose a pound.
  7. dentonfabrics

    Fisher Cat

    Here's a video of a fox barking I think a fisher's call is closer to wail or a howl than the vixen's staccato "bark".
  8. dentonfabrics

    Help/advice - "hiker car" needed??

    Well, my 2003 4X4 Ford Explorer Sport Trac just hit 160,000 miles yesterday and it hasn't given me a hint of trouble. And I dont baby it either, it's a mountain truck. It doesn't satisfy your "sleep-in" requirement, but have you considered a pickup truck (like the F-150) where you could sleep...
  9. dentonfabrics


    It's ALL good! :D
  10. dentonfabrics

    Forest Service parking fees waived this weekend 8/14-8/15

    Let's not get too sensitive guys. It's called "A Sense Of Humor". I gladly support the Forest Service financially by buying annual passes as I'm sure you do too.
  11. dentonfabrics

    can this area in NH be reached without trespassing?

    ...or you could put in a canoe/kayak upstream, paddle to that point, and take out downstream on public land at Blair Bridge. If you needed to be dropped off, Baker River Excursions could arrange it for you and suggest access points.
  12. dentonfabrics

    Advice for a New Englander moving to Utah

    But there are no moose in Utah!
  13. dentonfabrics


    Hey, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here! Before winter comes, we can all enjoy a nice and long, crisp and brisk autumn hiking season. Ahh, autumn - no bugs, no sweating, no leaves on the trees so you can see deep into the woods. Let's not pass that up guys!
  14. dentonfabrics

    Where the Rivers Join (Saco River & Dry River): 12-Aug-2010

    Good job. These are the types of hikes I enjoy the most.
  15. dentonfabrics

    Forest Service parking fees waived this weekend 8/14-8/15

    In order to publicize this event in a positive light, the Forest Service is actually going to be giving out awards (patches and scrolls) to the person who parks at the most pay sites this weekend. Of course, there are rules; 1) You need to have a picture taken of yourself next to an identifying...
  16. dentonfabrics

    NH F&G in the RED!!!!! Again

    One reason why NHF&G always seems to be broke is that even it's constituents don't support it. I've talked about this with conservation officers. We talked about the percentage of fishermen who are in actually in posession of a fishing license when a C.O. cards them. In southern NH, the number...
  17. dentonfabrics

    Looking for quiet campground/quick hike

    From Bangor, I'd just drive one hour east on Rt 9 to the Beddington area. There are tons of free (I think they're free - please correct me if anyone knows otherwise) campsites located along the Machias River and on the ponds there in the backwoods. I just got back from there last night and was...
  18. dentonfabrics

    Good Businesses In the Whites

    TDawg, 1HappyHiker got the name for me, it's Bert's (or Bart's?) Deli, about .5 mile east of where Bear Notch Deli once was. Excellent sandwiches there.
  19. dentonfabrics

    Good Businesses In the Whites

    I'll add one....the deli/general store on 302 right near the intersection of Bear Notch Rd is very good. Excellent sandwiches. I had to find another place since they closed the Subway at Munce's on the Kanc. And second one....Janet and Bill at North Country Angler are great people. Hope their...
  20. dentonfabrics

    Car break ins on Zealand Road

    I leave a used paper bulls-eye target with a dozen or so bullet holes thru it in plain sight on the drivers seat of my truck. That would definately give me pause, were I a crook. bob