For those of us who don't Tweet - could one of you tweeters (or tweetets) explain exactly what Tweeting is? I take it you use a phone? Is it any kind of cell phone? Or do you need an iPhone or something special?
I do use a cell phone, and text messaging. I learned that if I want to stay in touch with my son then I'd better get into text messaging. Also handy to let my wife know "I'm off the mountain" as sometimes you can send out a text when you can't get enough signal strength for a voice call.
Twitter is a real-time communications platform, something like instant messaging, except that it sends messages universaly to anyone wishing to receive outgoing messages (called "Tweets") from a particular person or business entity. It started out as kind of a dumb "I had eggs for breakfast" type of thing where people would just tweet out little useless blurbs and maybe your mother or sister or boyfriend would follow you. Then business got ahold of it and gave it some legs. Now it's often used for "brand building", and a way for these "brands" (a brand could be a business, a sports team, a celebrity - anything or anyone with something to sell or promote) to communicate with their followers.
For instance, if you "follow" Southwest Airlines on Twitter, you'll be the first to know about sales on airline seats. My wife commutes on Rt 93, so she follows the "tweets" from NH D.O.T. for info on delays, lane closures, etc. For her, that's the quickest way she can get traffic updates (and those updates have saved her commute more than once, thats for sure.)
You could use Twitter to let your wife know "You're off the mountain" via cell phones, but tweeting that message has no particular advantage over texting it. But let's say you ran Rooney's Mountain Guide Service. You might tweet out messages of upcoming hikes and adventures to your followers as a way of keeping in front of your clientele and fans. That's how businesses use it.
Are you missing out on something big if you dont use Twitter? Of course not. Is it fun and at least a little bit useful? Yes. Different people use technology in different ways. I don't use Facebook or MySpace. I don't even own a cell phone. Hate the damn things. But I found Twitter to be useful. To each his own.