In order to publicize this event in a positive light, the Forest Service is actually going to be giving out awards (patches and scrolls) to the person who parks at the most pay sites this weekend. Of course, there are rules;
1) You need to have a picture taken of yourself next to an identifying landmark at the trailhead. If you have a big smile or a thumbs up, you get extra credit.
2) If you have Massachusetts tags, you can get extra credit if you parallel park (taking up 3 spaces) or block the exit so no one can get in/out.
3) You must remain parked there for 15 minutes. The Forest Service suggests using an MP3 of Iron Butterfly's In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida as the timing mechanism. When Ron Bushy's drum solo ends, the 15 minutes is up.
4) Obviously, you may NOT nap in your car for those 15 minutes.
I know there are other rules but I forgot them. Does anyone else know which ones I've missed??