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  1. sierra

    Drop a Dime

    These are the same types that trample alpine tundra. They are not vested in the outdoors, they just go out occasionally to get their rocks off. Just fine them about 5k and use the money for the parks preservation efforts. When I was a rock climber we always honored the seasonal closures, the...
  2. sierra

    I have all the gear I need

    I must be getting old. Last week me and dog did Square Ledge and I went to take a picture and my phone was gone. I keep it in a pouch on my shoulder strap. We were climbing up to the summit and boy, I didn't want to go back, but an 800 dollar phone, so off I went. Ended up being on the ground...
  3. sierra

    I have all the gear I need

    I don't need anything either. My last purchase was a titanium cup, which I left on Gunstock yesterday and yes, I hiked back a half mile for it, it was 25 bucks!!!!
  4. sierra

    Square Ledge

    I did Hibbard for Monadnock, SL is to replace Shelburne Moriah which I do not care for at all. I actually do all all the de-listed peaks except for Wolf because I really enjoy them all and they are quiet. We have had many of them done without seeing another hiker. Carr is up soon, another fine...
  5. sierra

    Square Ledge

    Olivarian Brook trail to the loop, we went clockwise to ascend the ledgy section of the ledge. Passaconnaway cut-off is a dream to descend. Had a great hike, never saw another person, water everywhere for my dog. Our first good hike in three weeks with good temps for my dog. Fungi everywhere...
  6. sierra

    Had a couple close calls this evening

    Years ago, I was coming off Osceola with my first Aussie Bud. He was tied to my pack with a 26 ft retractable leash as always. All of a sudden he went nuts and peeled off all his lead almost yanking me off my feet. I look up and out of the thick brush comes a bull moose and he is pissed off. I...
  7. sierra

    Sad News

    That's too bad, I read all his post with great interest. He was very knowledgeable and I loved his North Country updates of all the important goings on. He will be missed, I've been on here since 2003, so I got used to seeing him here. RIP.
  8. sierra

    WMNF Backcountry Campsite Options

    If you hike into the Hancocks, that valley is perfect for camping and there are streams everywhere low down. You could get up early and do the loop over the two peaks with a small pack, then break camp on your way out.
  9. sierra

    Another NH 4K completion - Posted without comment

    I know many of you burly mountain man types, deep down love a good bunny story. Here you go.
  10. sierra

    Heat waves are not our friend.

    This summer has been brutal. Me and my dog haven't hiked in 2 weeks ( I did do Kearsarge south without him). Looks like the sun will give us a break starting tomorrow and we can't wait to get back out there. I used to love summer, now I long for shoulder season and my K10's, lol.
  11. sierra

    Another NH 4K completion - Posted without comment

    My 2 cents on list, bunnies and other opinions. I climb mountains because I love it, been doing it since I was 13. Most of my hikes both here and out west are unknown to the general public. I do like patches and I do belong to some online hiking groups, some of my hikes are posted there. The...
  12. sierra

    Mt Monadnock Lost Hiker

    With the amount of inexperienced hikers out there, it's amazing how few rescues there actually are. Don't get me wrong, it's not hard to make a simple mistake. I made a few trail errors in my early stages of hiking, "hey this doesn't look familiar?"
  13. sierra

    South Pond gate???

    I never go that way because of that gate. I go from the Hatchery via the Mill Brook trail, opens very early and supposedly closes late, I've never found it closed. The trail is fantastic.
  14. sierra

    Hip Belt Organizer / Belt

    I bought a pouch from the Army Surplus store in North Conway that slides onto my waistbelt. It's actually better than any I have seen in outdoor stores, cost about 24 bucks. It can be annoying the way it slaps against your leg, but if you can get by that, it works. I'm probably going to try a...
  15. sierra

    Lydia finishes the 4K list - 4 years old editted

    I have zero problem with the kid being out there, nature is for everyone. My issue is, they are throwing her out in every group with every accomplishment like she's doing them on her own, she is not, that's my point. Without 12 adults surrounding her, every one of those accomplishments goes...
  16. sierra

    Wild River Road Status

    It's steep right out of the gate, but it's not a long section. You get to the junction and it levels right out.
  17. sierra

    Wild River Road Status

    You can get in there pretty quick using the East Royce trail off 113. I climb East and West Royce from there and it's pretty nice.
  18. sierra

    Lydia finishes the 4K list - 4 years old editted

    There is a young kid who has been out there for awhile now, very popular and is followed by quite the entourage. I was vilified and received a barage of post and instant messengers when I questioned her ability to really grasp what she was doing at 6 years old. My main contention was her efforts...
  19. sierra

    At what point does it become enabling?

    It's not something you could stop, nor should it be stopped. The services are there and if it saves somebody or prevents SAR from going out, it is what it is.
  20. sierra

    Burgeon Outdoor Brand

    Here is my take, after me and my dog recently visited their Lincoln store. The line of clothing is vast and there are some thoughtful designs. The hoodies are nice, the Tuckerman polartec jacket is just about perfect, BUT, all the garments suffer from the same fatal flaw (imo) they are wayyy too...