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  1. S

    ISO Car camping checklist

    Thank you Thank you for sharing your list Quietman and also Barbarossa for the idea to make sure the car battery is charged - something I probably wouldn't have remembered! Sabina
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    ISO Car camping checklist

    Hi All, Does anyone have a checklist that they use when packing for car camping? We have some gear already but are trying to make sure we're not missing anything essential before we head out to Shenandoah. A checklist would help us out a lot when we do our final pretrip REI / EMS / Walmart...
  3. S

    ISO Advice on Camping w/Toddler

    Thanks for the tips! Great ideas all around. Wouldn't have thought of the tarps at all. Maybe we'll get a big air mattress and put Luca in the middle. That way, no one will sleep but at least he won't roll off anywhere. :) Thanks again!
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    ISO Advice on Camping w/Toddler

    Hi Everyone! I miss this site, used to camp up North but now we're looking locally in VA. We'd like to do our first camping trip, w/our very active 16 month old, in Mt. Rogers, VA. Has anyone been to Mt. Rogers and have some advice about which campsites have the least RVs? We'd like...
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    Hiking with Baby

    The Ergo Baby I've never submitted a photo, I hope this works. In case anyone is interested in trying one out, this is the best picture that I have of the Ergo. It is ultralightweight, packable, washable and comfortable. Maybe better for shorter trips or around town....but I do love it.
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    Hiking with Baby

    Thanks Everyone! I appreciate all the feedback. We make sure that he's been fed, "watered" and changed before we start out and then stop periodically for refills. : ) I think his main complaint is that he's at a stage where he wants to actively explore everything and is unhappy being a...
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    Hiking with Baby

    Hi All-It's been a while since I've been on this site and I see a lot of new faces. Used to date a guy in Boston and we'd go hiking a lot in the Whites, and this group was a great resource. If there was one like down here in Virginia, we'd be lucky. But since there isn't, hope you don't mind...
  8. S

    Hiking with 14 month old

    Hi All-It's been a while since I've been on this site and I see a lot of new faces. Used to date a guy in Boston and we'd go hiking a lot in the Whites, and this group was a great resource. If there was one like down here in Virginia, we'd be lucky. But since there isn't, hope you don't mind...