ISO Advice on Camping w/Toddler

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Apr 19, 2005
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Hi Everyone!

I miss this site, used to camp up North but now we're looking locally in VA. We'd like to do our first camping trip, w/our very active 16 month old, in Mt. Rogers, VA. Has anyone been to Mt. Rogers and have some advice about which campsites have the least RVs? We'd like something as natural as possible that still has access to running water.

We're definitely going to be car camping this time, not packing in. I'd like this trip to be the first of many, so it'd be great to get some pointers on how to make it a success.

I was thinking about bringing the bottom mattress of a pack & play for our son to sleep on - is that a good/bad idea?

Anyone have any good ideas to share about camping w/toddlers? I'm sure it'll be trial and error to see what works, what you need/don't need, but I'd sure appreciate the tried and true methods you've already gained! : )

Thanks so much!
Been there, and done that, but not there

Hey- I loved Mt Rogers when I was there, but it was in the pre-kid era so car campsites were not a consideration. I wish there were listings like you mention for other places, though, because while our kids are older we still hate the RV-oriented places and have a hard time finding tent-oriented places. We generally seem to have more success with state parks, though we have found a couple privately-owned gems.
Our toddlers LOVED camping... as long as they were with us, fed, warm and dry they'd be up for anything. The pack and play mattress idea sounds fine, though ours just slept with us on a big air mattress. Bring two very large tarps: one for the ground, to make a less dirty play area, and the other above it, to keep the rain out. I'd search for a campground with lots of water, both standing (ponds) and running (streams). Remember, their world is generally anything within 10 feet or so of them and the ground, so frogs, salamanders, bugs, moss, blueberries, pine needles, small rocks are all "really cool". "Charismatic megafauna" (I love that phrase) like moose, deer, etc may not make much of an impression. And of course, VFTT are totally irrelevant at this age. Enjoy.
I don't know about camping or campgrounds but I enjoyed climbing Mt. Rogers from Grayson Highlands State Park. There are wild horses along the trail!
I'd search for a campground with lots of water, both standing (ponds) and running (streams).

I agree. But bring sandals, extra sneakers, three times as many pairs of socks as you think you will need, extra shorts, etc -- kids and water means wet kids :D

Other than the usual items like meds, clothes, etc, have them bring some sort of playset -- my son and nephews used to bring small plastic dinosaurs and use leaves and twigs to make little worlds for them.

A word of caution: If you use a lantern, keep it hung out of reach. Kids do not associate these things with heat and I did see a child burn their hands once on a lantern.

Have fun,
Thanks for the tips!

Great ideas all around. Wouldn't have thought of the tarps at all. Maybe we'll get a big air mattress and put Luca in the middle. That way, no one will sleep but at least he won't roll off anywhere. :)
Thanks again!