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  1. M

    Easy Snow Shoe Tomorrow?

    We are looking to get out with the kids tomorrow and do a little snowshoing. We have done Mt Willard and Lonesome lake hut with them. Any sugestions on something similar in the Franconia notch / Woodsville / Littleton area that is well broken out?
  2. M

    Old Bridal Path?

    What typ of conditions could be expected on this trail going on to the summit of Layafette. Does this trail require ropes or good ice axe skill near the top? I have read the trail descriptions but they do not give a good description of the steepness or ledges above tree line. Thanks for the info.
  3. M

    Help with Hiking Pictures

    I appreciate all of the help so far. I am looking for a a little bit of everthing that may interest teenage kids. I am puting it al together in a power point show that has to fit in a 12 minute time slot to fill. It will be a combination of hiking, climbing and paddling/rafting pictures. I hope...
  4. M

    Help with Hiking Pictures

    I am putting together a Power Point presentation for our school with a goal of motivating kids to get out, join a club and try some new physical activities like hiking or paddling. I am in need of some photos of adventures in the area. If anyone would like to contribute a few pictures I would...
  5. M

    AMC Wilderness First Aid?

    I just took the WFA course with the Berkshire AMC also run by solo and it was great. Although the course was only two days long you get an amazing amount of usefull information. If you are looking at continuing your training towards the First Responder Solo credits your hours in the WFA class if...
  6. M

    Easier NH 4k's in winter

    What are some of the easier 4k' s in the winter. We have done quite a few 4k's with our kids during the summer and fall with Cannon as the only winter hike completed by the whole family. I was looking for some others that usualy have well broken out trails. Thanks, Mark
  7. M

    Saturday 4k with kids?

    The osceola trip was great!! The terrain was perfect for kids with enough to keep them interested but not enough to make it to difficult. It was nice to see other families also taking advantage of the great weather and the great views. After the hike we stayed the night at the amc's Cardigan...
  8. M

    Saturday 4k with kids?

    Osceola it will be. Thanks for the input everyone, I will let you know how we do :)
  9. M

    Saturday 4k with kids?

    We were thinking of hiking Techumsa, Osceola or Tom with our 5 and 7 year olds Saturday. So far they have done Jackson, Cannon, Hale, and Moosilauke. They had the hardest time with Jackson climbing up all of the rock steps below the ledges and the easiest time with Moosilauke via snapper /...
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    Moosilauke - 6/18

    We ended up at the Chinese place. It was a tie vote but we sold the deal by telling them about the dessert buffet. :)
  11. M

    Moosilauke - 6/18

    6/18/2005 - MT Moosilauke We started out at about 11:00. We had hoped for an earlier start but we drove around for an hour or two waiting for the rain to let up, it didn't so we had to cut our losses and do something! This was going to be our 3rd 4000 footer in the rain/snow. The kids are...
  12. M

    best 4k's for kids?

    The kids bagged #3 Saturday. After all the sugestions we decided on Mousilauke via gourge brook / snapper / carrage rd. trails. The kids loved it despite the rainy weather. They both agreed it was the easiest so far for them and loved the fact they were taller than the trees!! I think we will...
  13. M

    best 4k's for kids?

    Thanks so much for all the great feedback. We are anxiously awaiting the last day of school so we can start out on the many adventures we have planned for this summer! :D
  14. M

    best 4k's for kids?

    What are some of the better 4's for kids? We have a 5 and 7 year old and have done Cannon and Hale so far this year and would like some input on trails with similar conditions / difficulty. Thanks, Mark