That's an intriguing discussion and I love that photo of Viesturs horsing his way along that ridge. I remember a discussion here a few years ago on the exact location of Mt Lethe on the Carter ridge. Heck, I can't even pronounce it! Is it "Leethe" "Lee-thuh" or Leth?? Anyway, I thought I had been there since I crossed the ridge and checked out every vantage point until someone pointed out that the true summit was well off the trail. They had me convinced and I was ready to scratch it off my list. Then someone from Trailwrights said, "No," that spot just off the trail is the recognized summit and if you were checking boxes on Trailwrights you were good. I didn't take a position either way because it wasn't that important to me, but I recall the discussion getting somewhat heated. Same idea. How close is close enough? I believe a similar discussion here centered on the exact location of the summit of Mt Crescent, which I am sure I did not touch because I stayed on the trail where there is a nice viewpoint to the north near the summit. I believe the true summit is in the woods. As usual, I did not feel like bushwhacking it. In my mind, I climbed Randolph and Crescent on that day. If you disagree, that's ok with me.