Any news? (bump post back to page 1)
September would be a nice time of year, it's bad for me since business travel has me away from home for at least 6 days/nights & it's the beginning of the school year. (kids & wife is a teacher)
IMO The logistics involved with parking or shuttling hikers into the Garden make that the Great Range a poor option. I think a NH trip would get more participants & therefore potentially more $$$ which is really the cause.
That said, from memory of the maps:
In VT, an App Gap to Lincoln Gap seems to offer best option of views & ridge hiking & not too hard to set up logistically. Doing Camel's Hump coming down to the river & then back up to Mansfield seems to be a lot of up & down & from what I understand the low elevation walk is pretty mundane. (Any Hike & Kayak opportunity? logistics nightmare I would guess) Any options over smaller 3K peaks south of Lincoln like from Brandon Gap to Middlebury Gap? How many miles? Mt. Horrid, Cape Lookoff, Worth & Romance, any views? Chomp, Double Bow or other LT hikers have options:
In ADK's: (deferring to those with more ADK experience than me)
Up the Classic RPR & Giant trip from Route 9 & down to Route 73, some logistics made easier because I would think more people willing to go in either direction.
How about and Elk Lake to St. Huberts traverse of the Colvin Range? Parking I would think is easier than the Garden & while somewhat under the radar screen for elevation & promience, it would be nice.
ADK Loj parking is largest in the ADK's or than Marcy Field which is mostly a shuttle lot for the Garden. If I recall correctly tou can get up Porter (& Cascade) from Marcy Field, any other options? Can you get to the Loj from there & see anything other than trees?
From the Loj, how many miles to Tahawus? Many options to get there, either over Marcy & down to 4C (or bushwhack to Gray & down to 4C) , thru Indian Pass, over Algonquin & down to the Lake, just past Avy Lake & Lake Colden or past Lake Arnold. What's the parking like at Tahawus? Getting back & forth harder then the other options too. (likely harder than C-Notch To Gorham)