2011 spring wildflower thread


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Jason: your "can't remember these" are both Cardamine spp.; the first is Cardamine diphylla, the second is Cardamine concatenata (common in areas of VT, but rare in NH and ME; if anyone sees it there please report to the state natural heritage bureau)

Thanks arghman! I had the sense they were related when I was out there, but couldn't come up with more than that. I tried to look them up in Newcomb's last night, but without the flower open, it was tough! I'm guessing the site I was on must be pretty rich!
I saw a nice colony of wood anemone this morning on the way to work, and pulled of the road to walk into the woods a few feet to take a picture.

I imagine the folks who saw me walking out of the woods and back to my car thought I was doing something else besides taking pictures of flowers.:rolleyes:
A Wildflower Hike In Maryland

On Sunday the first day of May, we hiked a 4 mile loop of Gunpowder State Park in search of wildflowers. With the recent warm temperatures and rains, many of the flowers were in full bloom. We also came upon several new wildflowers we had not seen on other hikes; in particular the Pawpaw and Dame's Rocket.

The link below will show all the wonderful wildflowers we saw that day.


We also came upon several new wildflowers we had not seen on other hikes; in particular the Pawpaw and Dame's Rocket.
Nice pics -- I am so envious! We wanted to travel down to the DC area but NJ was as far as $$$ and time allowed.

The white flower after the buttercup is a Hydrophyllum sp., not sure which (USDA PLANTS lists H. canadense, H. virginianum, and H. macrophyllum), but w/o seeing the leaves it's tough to ID. Not H. canadense as the sepals are rather hairy in your photo.
I've got a bunch of new ones from Norwich, Vermont 5/6/2011. These few are ones I could not identify. Would be very appreciative of any assistance.

White Trillium by Elizabeth W.K., on Flickr

I think this is the large-flowered trillium, although the flower was not especially large or showy. The leaves seem too pointy for the dwarf white trillium.

Skunk Cabbage by Elizabeth W.K., on Flickr

Skunk Cabbage, close-up of spathe and spadix by Elizabeth W.K., on Flickr

And this . . .

Cut-leaved toothwort, maybe by Elizabeth W.K., on Flickr
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Took a walk along the Rail Trail in Lebanon today.....

Dogwood flowers??

I had to do a little research, but I believe this entire hillside of flowers are called lungwort...



closeup of it

some flowering rail trail views



and of course, old reliable.

Grouseking: First photo looks like a shadbush (a.k.a. serviceberry): similar to any number of species of woody rosaceans like cherry, apple, almond, but with notably long, loose petals. The white flowering trees in the first two rail trail photos "feel" like cherry to me (density of flowers hides the leaves), the third one could also be a shadbush (sparser flower clusters, leaves visible below)
A few from a short afternoon walk behind the house yesterday:

Old Field (Common) Cinquefoil


Common Strawberry

Smooth Shadbush

Unknown Grass

Low Bush Blueberry

Common Blue Violets

Wood Anemone

Periwinkle (aka Myrtle)

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I found a few on Mt. Pemigewasset this past Friday, but not as many as I'd like. Doesn't seem like there are as many out as this time last year!


Trout Lily


I was bummed this Purple Trillium wasn't open yet!


Round-Leaved Yellow Violet

Dense tufts of pink corydalis on a small fell west of Boston. Didn't see any lady's-slippers on that walk, but I haven't checked any of my known locations either. Did spend several minutes in a rainfall of bark and woodchips from a busy pileated woodpecker - surely a sign of spring.