2012 Spring Wildflower Thread


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Please name me; on summit of Cannon


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a yellow Hawkweed and a "red" clover

I didn't check whether the leaves were hairy on both sides, but I'll guess Field Hawkweed, H. caespitosum

So far as I know, there's no mistaking Red Clover, Trifolium pratense

edit: oops, Kevin already had a great red clover photo in this thread. He also had Bog Laurel, but here's Sheep Laurel, Kalmia angustifolia:

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Need help to identify and a nice Pitcher Plant flower....

Saw this and other Pitcher Plants at Mud Pond, near Pondicherry today....


Not sure what this is, I listed two pics. They were on Mt Success last weekend.
Any help in identifying is appreciated.




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A few pics from this weekend in the vicinity of Isolation:

white bog orchid

mountain cranberry, I believe?

We also saw much Labrador tea in bloom, as well as rhodora. There was also a violet growing alongside all the places we found the white bog orchids, but I didn't take a picture. I'm trying to figure out what that was as well. The purple flowers were on very long stems (alpine violet, perhaps?).
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These are all from a walk today in the Upper Valley. I haven't had time to figure out what they all are yet. Any ID help would be appreciated.
no idea. flower looks like a honeysuckle but the plant does not. EDIT: northern bush honeysuckle (the first native honeysuckle I've seen!)

bog laurel

round-leaved sundew

rose pogonia

no idea whatsoever. I have a shot of the leaves as well if that helps.
EDIT: bristly sasparilla

no idea. VERY small! (maybe some kind of St. johnswort?)
EDIT: marsh st. johnswort

small cranberry

and lastly, an eastern tiger swallowtail (EDIT: Canadian tiger swallowtail. thanks, barkingcat!)
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