2024: Less snow than normal


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I was wondering if melting between seasons and during warm spells didn’t allow for multiple years of ice to mix and homogenize, or whether snow- and ice-dwelling organisms could contribute gases to the atmospheric mix trapped in the ice. You’d probably expect to see oxygen from algae and lichen as well.
Yes, surface meltwater has been especially a problem for mountaintop tropical core cores, as the O18/O16 isotope ratios and seasonal temperature signals become more muted. Try googling Quelccaya Ice Cap ice core in Peru and the name Lonnie Thompson to see the impact of surface melting between the late 1970s when he collected his first ice core there and then 2-3 decades later when he went back with better equipment to re-core the site. Lonnie is in his late 70s and was still climbing to altitude to collect summit ice cap ice cores as recently as five years ago, with a pig replacement valve in his heart, no less. He has spent far more time above 18,000 ft altitude than any other human in history, including all the famous Himalayan climbers.
Have there been studies (I'm sure there have been I just haven't seen them) that identify an actual temperature change value and equate it to x amount of sea level rise or there would be no snow left or whatever? When I was researching ice core samples I'm pretty sure I saw a reference to a temperature drop of just 4 deg C ushering in the last Ice Age. Is that all it takes? See tons of references to the temperature rising, the temperature is the highest ever, etc but no mention of what actual temperature would be the catastrophic point (I get that it is not absolute and a lot of stuff has been changing right along). Just see a lot of "If the temperature keeps rising....".

And to be clear, I'm not asking this question to "stoke the pot". I'd be curious to read more on the subject.
Good question, and one that IPCC addresses annually with its conferences, the most recent one (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan, last month. The Paris Agreement was reached at the end of the 2015 meeting (COP21) and concluded that we must keep average global temperatures below an increase of 1.5 C above the pre-industrial temperature average to avoid tragic consequences with global sea-level rise and other climate disasters. Well, this year we have just blown by the 1.5 C temperature rise, or will do this coming year. The IPPC includes lots of CO2 / temperature charts with multiple scenarios for climate impacts based on variable increases in CO2 and global temperatures.
The length and breadth of his meandering thread has got me wondering ….

Is a human still in charge and actively moderating this board?

Or are we inmates now running the asylum?

Just curious.
The length and breadth of his meandering thread has got me wondering ….

Is a human still in charge and actively moderating this board?

Or are we inmates now running the asylum?

Just curious.
I exchanged a couple of msgs with a member of this group who said "So now I just log in, approve new members or kill spam". So, I'd say we're running the asylum.

I'd like to urge people to behave in a more professional way. I'm close to the end of my participation here. I don't have a PhD and have no intention of getting one.
The length and breadth of his meandering thread has got me wondering ….

Is a human still in charge and actively moderating this board?

Or are we inmates now running the asylum?

Just curious.
Might be prudent and a good time if your a Supporting Member and have an autopay on your subscription to shut it off.
This is the only thread where I've noticed any kind of animosity between members on the entire forum. If the thread is so upsetting, why not just self moderate and not open it? Nobody is changing anybody's mind- that ship sailed a long time ago when each of us became experts at everything. :cool:
Or are we inmates now running the asylum?
What is so disturbing about open and lively discussions? I certainly don't advocate for personal attacks and mean spirited comments but if they happen just take the high road and ignore them. Be the better person and focus on the discussion at hand, not the petty nonsense. And if it is that repugnant to you simply don't participate as others suggested. If you're that offended no one is mandating you remain a member. We all have free choice here to do as we please.

I get the value of staying on topic but I never got the need to censor and delete things when they get a little spicy. We can very easily self-police threads without having some "authority" intervene and determine what should and shouldn't be discussed. Even with threads that go off the rails I always manage to pick up some nugget of information or advice that makes it worth wading through the BS. I find it a sad commentary that many here feel the need to have an outside agency regulate how a discussion goes and our behavior in it.
The length and breadth of his meandering thread has got me wondering ….

Is a human still in charge and actively moderating this board?

Or are we inmates now running the asylum?

Just curious.
IMO the ongoing problem of lack of moderation has been evolving or not evolving whichever way you want to look at it. I would say that it is entirely possible now especially with the potential presence of AI that much of what is done here could be bots. I have tried to get some answers from our so-called Tech Admin to no avail. Unfortunately, IMO our past Administrators and Moderators have not been as forthcoming providing any information. As I mentioned if you are a supporting member, I would self-assess the situation whether you want your subscription to be renewed via Autopay or not. Looking at the receipt I received when I subscribed this is the company that charged me: https://www.groupbuilder.com/
I would assume this is the company that is hosting this site. Suffice to say they are not moderating it. As of now there is only one member listed as a moderator. Which has also said all they are doing is cancelling Spam and approving new Members. I would encourage them if they have more info available to contact the provider and see if there is a way to increase moderation or at least provide more insight to the operation of this site.
I have been a member here for 20 years, this is not the first time animosity has shown up, it's just heated on this thread a bit warmer than in the past. Politics does that, why do you think this country is so divided? there is no middle ground anymore, there is the left and the right. I am lucky, I'm not rich, I'm not a PHD, and I don't really worry about global issues. I own a small house and live with my dog. I climb here and in other areas of the country I enjoy, I hike every single week, it's not a hobby it's my life. I enjoy it because it's neat and uncluttered with ********. I keep it that way on purpose. Personally, I think global warming is irreversible, the population is such that the earth will suffer as a result, China could care less, they mitigate whatever feeble attempt we will make at curbing global warming. Most people will drive and consume and wont give up any of it. The few bleeding hearts that preach to us all just want to feel superior, so they mock you and look down on you. Ironically, we are all on the same ship and when it goes down, we all go, kind of fitting. This board is probably on life support, nothing last forever, sometimes it's better that way. Social media sucks.
I broke the bindings on a brand new pair of MSR snowshoes on the first day on Denali. Ironically, I'm pretty sure they were called the Denali Ascent back then. (~ 2001)

It didn't end up mattering because the weather pinned us down in basecamp for a week, and then my climbing partner got sick for close to a week, and as soon as he was feeling better I came down with it and that attempt was all over.

I only recently decided to give MSR another chance and bought a new pair of Evo Ascents to try this winter.
I was using Tubbs, but found a pair of original MSR Ascents in my closet. I threw them back there because I hated the binding, but now I'm using them again and it's not that bad. With the lack of snow last few years, I'm not buying new shoes, sticking with the old ones. I do hate yellow though.🤢
Is it better to resurrect a 2 year old thread and ask a somewhat off-topic question there, or do we want a page record with this thread? JoshandBaron posted about his mobile device battery lasting more than a day doing navigation, and I want to know how he sets that up. I get maybe 9 hours.
Is it better to resurrect a 2 year old thread and ask a somewhat off-topic question there, or do we want a page record with this thread? JoshandBaron posted about his mobile device battery lasting more than a day doing navigation, and I want to know how he sets that up. I get maybe 9 hours.
Download the map to your device, and then keep your device in airplane mode. I get 3 or 4 days with a newish Samsung doing that.