2024: Less snow than normal


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Oh trust me, I have read all of your comments, here and on other threads about global warming and that it is "elitist" to suggest we can do something about it. I have no doubt anyone misunderstands your stance on this issue.
Feel better about that rant?

Again, I don't disagree with you, just wondering what reading newspapers have to do with it...

My stance is pretty clear: Those who believe themselves as having more importance, and smarter, because they have a certain number of degrees hanging on their wall that allows them to not care, nor engage, in the unwashed masses do more harm than good on most issues today. Believe it or not, many people have a hard time falling in line when they are mocked and talked down to. So, people who take that tact are harming their own cause than helping it.
Feel better about that rant?

Again, I don't disagree with you, just wondering what reading newspapers have to do with it...

My stance is pretty clear: Those who believe themselves as having more importance, and smarter, because they have a certain number of degrees hanging on their wall that allows them to not care, nor engage, in the unwashed masses do more harm than good on most issues today. Believe it or not, many people have a hard time falling in line when they are mocked and talked down to. So, people who take that tact are harming their own cause than helping it.
Feel better about that rant?

Again, I don't disagree with you, just wondering what reading newspapers have to do with it...

My stance is pretty clear: Those who believe themselves as having more importance, and smarter, because they have a certain number of degrees hanging on their wall that allows them to not care, nor engage, in the unwashed masses do more harm than good on most issues today. Believe it or not, many people have a hard time falling in line when they are mocked and talked down to. So, people who take that tact are harming their own cause than helping it.
The ones who really piss me off are the politicians and celebrities who tell us how we need to sacrifice, stop consuming more than what they decide “our share” is, and eat ******* bugs, while they fly around the world as the sole passenger their in luxurious private jets that produce as much CO2 as the airliners we’re not supposed to use even packed in like sardines. Who have multiple mansions that use more electricity in a day than I use in a month. Who’ll never do anything they demand we do. Who don’t want wind or solar farms spoiling their views but have no problems demanding the hoi polloi and plebs deal with the eyesores. How much CO2 do you think is created by flying Air Force One and all the supporting aircraft halfway across the globe so the President can give a speech or gladhand? Or all those private jets flying to Cannes for movie night and pics in front of a wall with sponsors’ names on it? Why not practice what you preach and give that speech or watch those movies via Zoom from the comfort of your “heat no higher than 74, AC no lower than 78” homes?
Download the map to your device, and then keep your device in airplane mode. I get 3 or 4 days with a newish Samsung doing that.
Even in airplane mode I get about 9 hours. Maybe I am taking too many pictures for my Parkinson's friend who wants the illustrated version of my running trip report.
Even in airplane mode I get about 9 hours. Maybe I am taking too many pictures for my Parkinson's friend who wants the illustrated version of my running trip report.

I don't do any tracking and only have the screen as bright as needed. With Bluetooth on running a speaker in camp all evening and my headphones overnight, I was at 38% when I got back to my truck after a 24 hour trip this weekend.
I don't do any tracking and only have the screen as bright as needed. With Bluetooth on running a speaker in camp all evening and my headphones overnight, I was at 38% when I got back to my truck after a 24 hour trip this weekend.
Tracking may be the issue. I like to see the numbers, although I do not like how slow I am according to the numbers. Over the last few months I have been using it to track routes I know really well.
In way of a disclaimer, most of my posts above are based on over 40 years of teaching geology, hydrology, meteorology, and climatology courses at universities.

For Skiguy, my personal best carbon footprint reduction efforts have been not having any kids and grandkids (Sierra should approve based on his overpopulation comments earlier in this thread), having been a pescatarian (mostly vegetarian) since December 1979, and retiring to the White Mountains to reduce travel distances.
Well done Dr. D. Thank you for your effort. In the theme of looking at solutions I thought this was interesting.
Even in airplane mode I get about 9 hours. Maybe I am taking too many pictures for my Parkinson's friend who wants the illustrated version of my running trip report.

I take 5 or 10 pictures per day on average, and occasionally come out of airplane mode to send a text or to (rarely) go online for one reason or another. I didn't do any tracking on the trips in question. In any case, I completed many 2, 3 and 4 day backpacking trips this summer and never once recharged and never dipped below 30 percent before I came out of the woods. I still brought a lightweight power bank with me, but never needed it on any of my backpacking trips this past summer. However, the phone I replaced would only last about 1 day under these same conditions. I blame that on the bloatware that was forced onto that phone by my employer. (When I got the new phone I told them "no thanks" with using it for work.)
I take 5 or 10 pictures per day on average, and occasionally come out of airplane mode to send a text or to (rarely) go online for one reason or another. I didn't do any tracking on the trips in question. In any case, I completed many 2, 3 and 4 day backpacking trips this summer and never once recharged and never dipped below 30 percent before I came out of the woods. I still brought a lightweight power bank with me, but never needed it on any of my backpacking trips this past summer. However, the phone I replaced would only last about 1 day under these same conditions. I blame that on the bloatware that was forced onto that phone by my employer. (When I got the new phone I told them "no thanks" with using it for work.)
Getting back on topic and the reduction in snowfall hopefully in Airplane Mode there is less heat heat induced into the atmosphere and therefore less melting.
Tricky part is getting the seaweed to cattle a great distance from the seashore, like in the Midwest.

I dunno, the article said 3 oz. per cow per day, that's less than 75 pounds per cow per year. Shouldn't present any logistical problems to even a large operation.

The article seemed to indicate that the main obstacle they saw was that there wasn't enough of the type of the seaweed growing naturally for all of the cows, so farming the seaweed would be needed.

Human induced global warming is an inconvenient truth. There is no denying it.

If folks have not read it, Greta Thunberg’s book, The Climate Book, is phenomenal. Little bite sized chapters, 2-4 pages, on one specific topic, written by the world’s leading scientists in plain English. If you have any doubts about climate change, you won’t after reading that.

Also, NPR’s show Marketplace has an excellent new podcast on how the U.S. is grappling with climate change (since their naval bases are flooding and the boots on the ground are dealing with more temperature extremes).


I'll raise you this book. Written by an actual climate scientist who worked for Obama and he gives the facts about how the "climate reports" and "prediction models" and "consensus" are created.

I'll raise you this book. Written by an actual climate scientist who worked for Obama and he gives the facts about how the "climate reports" and "prediction models" and "consensus" are created.

No, Steven Koonin is not a climate scientist but rather a theoretical physicist and a “climate denier” since at least as early as 2007, albeit a very smart one. He was chosen to be undersecretary for science by Nobel laureate Steven Chu, Obama’s Secretary of Energy, for whom Koonin served for 2.5 years, 2009-2011. Before that, Koonin was chief scientist at BP, 2004-2009, where he was tasked with strategizing alternative energy approaches for BPs futuristic “Beyond Petroleum” plans. Ironically the year after Koonin left BP to serve in the Obama administration, BP’s Deep Water Horizon oil well in the Gulf of Mexico exploded in 2010 leading to the worst oil spill in history, unfortunate timing for Koonin, Chu, and Obama. Koonin’s complaints about climate science in his book are superficial, misleading, and over-generalizations that were already seven years out of date when published in 2021 as he was basing his critique on the 2014 IPCC report, ignoring preprints of the next IPCC report that was published in early 2022.
I dunno, the article said 3 oz. per cow per day, that's less than 75 pounds per cow per year. Shouldn't present any logistical problems to even a large operation.

The article seemed to indicate that the main obstacle they saw was that there wasn't enough of the type of the seaweed growing naturally for all of the cows, so farming the seaweed would be needed.

Maybe the seaweed of choice can be used to guide genetic engineering for producing large quantities of whatever ingredients are necessary to reduce methane-burping in cattle?
No, Steven Koonin is not a climate scientist but rather a theoretical physicist and a “climate denier”
This is just not true. He is not a climate denier. Have you read the book? He believes the climate is changing but explains why it is not an emergency and is overblown in the news. I read the book (Unsettled) a few years ago and found it refreshing. He writes occasionally in the WSJ. He is a very smart guy. Koonin points out how IPCC reports are exaggerated in the press and blown out of proportion.

And really, who doesn't believe in climate change? Hell, there used to be mile thick ice over where my house in Maine was located, and now it's gone, so the climate must have changed. People can believe the climate is changing and it is not an existential crisis.
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it is not an existential crisis.
Is anyone making this claim? (Not directed at you specifically or anyone on VFTT. I mean it generically).

Of all the reading I have done on the subject I don't think I've seen anyone predict the extinction of the human race or anything catastrophic like that. Significant changes to crop growth and some food sources like fish and other animals (which is already happening), growing regions moving, issues with potable water, people relocating to new places as habitable areas go from prime seaside properties to popular scuba diving destinations, etc, etc. Major disruptions to be sure that will create major discomfort and likely fighting between countries but not end of the world type stuff.

We're definitely going to make life harder on ourselves but I don't think we're going away altogether.
Maybe the seaweed of choice can be used to guide genetic engineering for producing large quantities of whatever ingredients are necessary to reduce methane-burping in cattle?
There's a lot of interesting things going on with hydroponics that look extremely encouraging for growing a lot of produce items with 90% less water, no pesticides, using solar for energy, etc, etc. Possible seaweed, or another plant with comparable benefits, may fall under that umbrella in the future? Very curious to see how these efforts increase in scale in the coming years....

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