3/19: Carter Dome or Wildcats?


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Hi all - we went across the Wildcats and Carters today )up Polecat and across WIldcat Ridge etc, trails are all soft packed but decently broken out.
However the low light spruce between D and A was frustrating in spots. Have a great hike! :)
Pete: that's pretty much it. I'm guessing that we should be hitting Wildcat "A" not too far apart (you're fast, I'm slow). Getting a ride from Wildcat to 19 mile is easy, even if we don't see you.

bobandgeri: Sean bagged out on Wildcats in favor of the Osceolas. I'd LOVE to ski the Auto Road with you on Sunday! I may be taking Mark back home on Saturday night, but haven't finalized any plans. I'll PM you my cell phone number. Sounds like you guys don't need much sleep! (btw, I missed the Auto Road reference when I read it earlier or would have jumped at the mention!)

OCGirl: our little band loves you - thanks!
SherpaK - We do need our sleep. Your the one that mentioned the skiing the Auto Road. We suggested you come hike with us at 2 AM then go ski the Auto Road - didn't say that we were doing it - although you could convince us at 2 AM :>

Have a fun weekend! We are headed North after work tonight doing the Try's tomorrow moring.
whitelief said:
I plan to use the Dr. Wuian method of getting up very very early for the very very long drive. See you all at the trailhead (and I'll try not to be late!).
"Leaving Early" is leaving at midnight for a 6am day hike in the adirondacks. That's a long one. But I usually leave at 3:30 - 4:00am for the Whites. The Wildcats are a long-ass drive though -- probably close to 4 hours. I hate Rt. 16 but there's really no other direct route.

Alas, my plans to join the gang on the Wildcats have been foiled due to gigantic blisters on the bottom of both feet earned on Tripyramids today.

SherpaK, I guess our introductory hike will have to take place later :( .

Have fun all! It looks like great weather.
vegematic (and any lurkers out there too shy to join in!): you missed a fine day. We (SherpaK, ChrisB, Whitelief, and LarryD) took a leisurely stroll to Wildcat D up the ski trails, were told 10 times that we were going the wrong way (foolish gravity geeks!), headed over to Wildcat A, managing to stay well ahead of the 31 Boy Scouts (well behaved, and having a good time), like about an hour ahead :), discovered that LarryD, Whitelief and I all will hit 50 within a few months of each other, ran into EricG and others, one of which was 4 shy of his 3rd winter round (we called them sandbaggers when they showed up after following us within earshot most of the day), saw Pete Hickey (again carrying an axe), got INCREDIBLE views! I also got to do some of the ugliest, though effective, turns on BC skis from the summit without falling! Sometihng I had wanted to do for a long time. Good friends, great day, goodbye winter!

Oh yeah, I also got a nice tan :eek:

Next time then...
Great day

SherpaK -

Sounds like a great day, good job on getting both peaks...I had my issues on Moriah, never quite made it but a I had a great time and learned a lot about winter travel...The weather was incredible...did not see a cloud all day and rarely even needed a hat or gloves. My trip report has more details of my crazy attempt at Moriah.
As we all know, Sherpa K knows how to close the deal

SherpaK: Great plan, great hike, and what a way to spend the last day of winter. AND we ran into Mr. Pete Hickey who was flying over the ridge. Sun tans with a touch of wind, some great after hike chow with ChrisB, and now it's time for the hot tub. It's 10:30, I've been up since 3:30, and I'm not gonna last much longer.

Thanks again for the inspiration SherpaK! And great to see you Chris and Larry!

And there is confirmed photographic evidence of Sherpa Kroto descending on his skis, and he simply refused to fall in front of the camera!
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